
Big Bang theory proof?

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If the earth was created by an explosion of particles in space, where did the particles or space come from?




  1. If I may, I'd like to clarify a few things regarding the Big Bang theory and the formation of the Earth.  As many other people will no doubt explain, they aren't the same thing.  The Big Bang is a theory that attempts to explain why distant galaxies seem to be rushing away from us and why there is a background radiation equivalent to about 3 Kelvins that is present everywhere you look in deep space.  According to the Big Bang theory, we witness these things because the universe (including all matter, energy, AND space) was once compressed into an unimaginably tiny point, and then it expanded rapidly from that point.  The Big Bang theory says NOTHING about where that point came from.  There are speculations regarding that mystery, but they are not included as part of the Big Bang theory.

    So where did the matter and space come from?  Nobody knows for sure.  In fact, it might be that nobody ever COULD know.  Whatever formed the matter and space of the universe may have left evidence behind, but who knows if that evidence survived the fury of the Big Bang itself, or if that evidence is present in this universe?

    In science we don't use words like "proof".  To a scientist, the word proof applies only to mathematics and to logic.  Instead, they speak of the evidence in support of a particular theory.  The expansion of space and the cosmic background radiation I wrote about earlier are examples of evidence that supports the idea of a Big Bang.

    Also, no serious astrophysicist believes that the Earth was created in the Big Bang.  Actually, the Earth is substantially younger than the universe in which it exists.  The universe is, by our best estimate, between 13 and 14 billion years old.  The Earth, on the other hand, only formed 4.5 billion years ago.  So, there was a span of 9-10 billion years following the Big Bang when the Earth did not exist.

    I hope that helps.  Good luck!

    EDIT:  With all due respect, it would make more sense if you would attempt to understand it rather than deciding immediately that it isn't true.  As long as your argument against every scientific theory is "READ THE BIBLE!", you won't understand very much.  I'm not saying that to be's just the truth.  You are blocking scientific understanding from reaching your brain.

  2. There are many scientists who are Christians. Believing in God and / or any religious teachings does not preclude accepting the results of reasoned inquiry into the workings of the universe.  The written Bible is a communication from God.  It tells us of His love and it tells of how to live a righteous life and achieve salivation.

    Have you heard someone say that the world around us is proof that God exists?  The world is also a “communication” from God.  Since a “bible” is, at its core, a communication from God the existence of the world really constitutes a second Bible.  There are really two Bibles- the written Bible and the natural Bible.  The natural Bible is the universe we live in and its rules that tell us of the existence and nature of God.  Each Bible has its “message.”   As stated in 2 Timothy 3:16, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”  The key words here are, “in righteousness.”  Using English rules it could be clarified as, “…is profitable for doctrine in righteousness, for reproof in righteousness, for correction in righteousness, for instruction in righteousness:”  The written Bible is a book of God’s love, of how to live a righteous life and achieve salivation.  It is not a scientific text.  Those who use the written Bible in ways for which it was not intended are dishonoring God and his creation – the universe and everything in it.

    The power of the written Bible does not lie in it being word-for-word literal.  The power of the written Bible lies in its ability to go outside the literal.  The verse in Mathew 5:13, “Ye are the salt of the earth:” makes no sense if taken literally – we are not salt.  But it becomes beautiful if taken metaphorically.  Because the written Bible has metaphor and allegory and other literary devices it must be studied to understand its true meaning.  Without Bible study it is possible to misinterpret the written Bible.

    The natural Bible is the most direct communication we have from God.  It is right in front of us, under our feet and over our heads, everyday.  Whereas the written Bible is, at best, a copy of a copy of a translation of a copy of a translation of the original text – the natural Bible consists of the world and universe we live in and the rules God set down at the creation of the universe.  These rule are with us today and these rules are everywhere the same.

    The natural world and its manifestations – the animals and plants, the rocks and fossils, the land masses, the planets, stars and galaxies are all as a result of the rules laid down at the creation of the universe.  But, just as you must study the written Bible, so too you must study the natural Bible.  At first glance, as a child, I thought I lived on a flat Earth with the Sun going around the Earth.  Man had such an initial view of the universe, too.  It was through study of the natural bible – the world As It Is - that we found that God’s universe was more beautiful and profound than that first simplistic view.  Those who want to take away the majesty of the universe and force it into a constricted, literalistic view taken from the written Bible are dishonoring God and his creation.  Each Bible has its area of validity.  Just as Social Darwinism was wrong because took lessons from the natural Bible and tried to apply them into the world of human conduct – so, too, creationism is wrong because it takes lessons from the written Bible and tries to apply them into the world reality that is here before us.  To use the bible in this way dishonors the world that God created.

    Just as a atheist can read the written Bible and understand the power of a verse like Leviticus 19:18, “… thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself…”  so too an atheistic scientist can study the natural world and uncover the God-given rules that exist in the world today and have existed since He created the universe.  The rules, so discovered, are just as valid as if uncovered by a Christian who is a scientist if both use a developed capability to reason given to man by God.  The key here is SCIENTIST - "one who seeks to know."

  3. I've read the Bible.  You've clearly not read up on Big Bang theory.

    For one thing, the Big Bang theory does not say how the Universe started.  It primary talks about how the Universe has evolved into what is seen today.  And, a bit about what it's likely to do in the future.

    Secondly, you do not disprove a theory like the Big Bang.  You gather evidence that supports it, or you find evidence that does not support it.  So far, evidence that does not support it has been used to refine the theory.  Nothing has come up which suggests we should toss it out and start over.

    You might be interested to know that before the Big Bang theory, the Steady State theory was held in high respect.  But that theory had no place for a God to create it.  In that theory, the Universe always existed.

    The Roman Catholic church is totally cool with both the Big Bang, and Evolution.  You're seriously behind on your theology.

  4. Since you just started this not to ask a legitimate question but instead try to spew your ignorant religious debate all over a *scientific* forum, let me ask a question about the fairy tale you call the "Bible."

    Where did God come from? Who created God? What existed before God? Go ahead, I'll wait until you provide the answer.  

  5. You are a persistent ignoramus, are you not? This is the second question you have asked for which you don't really want an answer and the answer to which you couldn't possibly understand anyway.

    Go away and read your bible. When you have it completely memorized, come back.

  6. The Bible makes sense? Yes, some dude up in the sky created all animals and humans and Earth in 6 days with dust and magic. And you say the big bang theory makes no sense?

    You are oversimplifying the big bang theory. I've studied it intensely for the past couple of years and you are missing tons of things. The Earth wasn't instantly created. The universe began. In that instance all of the energy and matter we know and love today was created. The universe started a rapid inflation almost immediately after formation that started the universe to expand. It is still expanding today. Hubble proved that it is still expanding by showing that galaxies were moving away from each other. That proves the big bang theory right there.

    After a few minutes the nucleus of atoms start forming because the universe has started to cool down. These atoms condense and cool and in the next billion years, we see the first stars and basic galaxies forming. The universe continues to cool, and the stars and galaxies continue to evolve into the universe we know and love today.

    In about 4.5 billion years, our solar system begins to form. We know this because of geological data on our planet. Be careful what your denying because this is hard proof of when Earth formed. The Earth and other planets formed because of left over matter from the sun's creation. Sorry, but I feel the need to say "duh".

    Over millions of years the Earth goes through many geological processes. Over a period of millions of years hydrogen atoms combine with oxygen atoms as a result of all the volcanic activity and form water. The Earth eventually gets filled up with a lot of water. Life comes with water. Well, bacterial organisms usually do. Single celled organisms were the first to form. They evolved into primitive algae and plankton as well as some very primitive sea creatures. Eventually plants started to form, and over hundreds of thousands of years, they begin to oxygenate the planet even more. Amphibians came next, and then they evolved into mammals. I'm actually over simplifying it, but you probably aren't reading my answer anyway so who cares?

    100,000 years ago primitive man began to form. They evolved into the intelligent species we are now... well, at least some of us are now.

    That is the big bang and evolution in a nutshell.

    There was no explosion of particles when the universe formed. You are missing the entire concept. Don't call something fake when you haven't even cracked open a book on it yet.

    The big bang theory is meant to explain where the particles and space came from, and it does an excellent job at explaining it.

    Now lets take a look at the proof of the big bang theory:

    1. By looking at distant galaxies billions of light years away we are basically looking at how they were billions of years ago. We have seen spiral galaxies billions of light years away, and we have confirmed that galaxies do evolve and have changed sense the universe's creation.

    2. The universe is expanding. Hubble proved that galaxies are moving away from each other at a constant rate. Why would galaxies be moving away from each other? Because the place they are existing in is getting larger. The universe is expanding. It expands at a constant rate... that's what Hubble's constant is. Another piece of evidence.

    If you think that the Big bang theory sounds simple and things just came out of no where, lets take a look at "God". I'm a former Christian so don't say I haven't looked at the bible. Unlike you, I have studied both sides.

    Genesis says that God created everything instantly in 6 days, 6000 years ago. So everything magically appeared after 6 days. Its impossible. But hey, God is a magical guy! That explains it. WARNING: SIMPLIFYING ALERT!!!

    Genesis was written about 1000 years ago. So if Genesis is true, and God formed the universe 6000 years before at the time they were writing this, then the universe is 7000 years old. If this is true, then how come there are billions of galaxies farther than 7000 light years away? How can this be possible? It isn't.

    I don't expect to get best answer though it would be nice, but I would like you to think about this. I don't care if you still believe in God but I don't want you to disregard scientific FACT because of an outdated book. Please don't fall victim. But in the end, its your choice.

  7. It actually makes very good sense, but not if the only book you've ever read has gold letters on the cover. It's very easy to just take a dismissive attitude toward the hard work of hundreds of thousands of dedicated scientists who strive to understand the universe we inhabit, and casually claim that they don't know what they're talking about. It's  a little harder to actually learn to understand the things they talk about, so that you can make a VALID judgment as to whether or not it makes sense. Since many, many non-scientists have been able to understand quite a bit about big bang cosmology, it seems reasonable to assume that you would also be able to grasp the material, if you'd only put forth a bit of effort. But I guess you think it's too hard for you, so you just go back to reading your bible. It's okay, really. We can't ALL be scientifically literate, I suppose. Sure would be nice, though.

  8. An excellent question that makes the arguement that you should stay in school and study astronomy!

  9. Dude I think you should go read an actual book and not your non fiction bible stories.

    the bible is for ignorant unintelligible people.

    I have read the bible and if you knew anything about it you would realize how god is portrayed as a infantcidal, filicidal, racial, homophobic power hungry tyrant. Do you really want to beleive in this you dumb republican.

  10. r****d ALERT!

  11. The big bang has nothing to do with the creation of the earth, or the creation of the universe.  The big bang is about the *structure* of the universe.

    "Where could you possibly say that something came out of nowhere. When else has this happened?"

    This happens all the time.  Read here -

    "It makes no sense!"

    How does your explanation make any more sense?  Where did god come from?

    I know, I know, you're going to say 'god has always been.'  Whatever, if you can say that then I can say the universe has always been.  Nothing in science says that the current form of the universe has to have been the only one.


    Read a textbook.

    I've read the bible, by the way.  It's boring, lame, offensive in parts, and says a lot of things that are so clearly wrong and written by primitive man who had no idea how the world works.  But I've read it.  Most of it, anyways.  Since I've read the bible, it's only fair that you read this -

  12. Actually, it's been seen where a positron and an electron have spontaneously generated, then annihilated each other, from nothing - leaving nothing.  

    The bible has very little on quantum physics.  

  13. the bible is to help explain how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go.  

  14. for one, the earth has nothing at all to do with the big bang. nothing at all. nor does any of the life on it. they are completely different theories. the big bang and the formation of earth are separated by almost 10 billion years time. they are in no way related. just the simple fact that you claim they are shows how little you know about science, and reality in general.

    secondly, science doesnt say it came from no where. it says we cant possibly no where it came from, because physics breaks down at quantum scales.

    thirdly, the bible has the same problem. your basically saying that energy cant be created or destroyed, so the big bang is wrong. ok, but the bible also violates that. it is your OPINION that a deity is needed, it is not a fact. and where did god come from? your ignoring your own argument.

    fourth, grow a brain

    and finally, people like you make me absolutely sick. do you know how much evidence you have to ignore to not believe the big bang theory? do you realize that your buying into creationist LIES that hinder the further development of scientific ideas? do you realize that you are everything that is wrong with society? DO YOU!?

  15. First of all, the Big Bang is not how the earth formed.  It's how the universe formed, and I supposed that is what you're asking.

    It didn't come from particles.  Matter didn't exist at first.  But it's just as reasonable to ask where the energy came from.  Some scientists, (I believe, disingenuously), have skirted this issue with things like 11 dimensions and M-theory.  But these still do not explain how the first things formed. M-theory is pseudoscience, as far as I'm concerned.

    You are asking a fundamental question and it would be nice if we could give a clear, comprehensible answer, but I don't think one exists.  When it comes to the beginning of the universe, I believe we will forever be perplexed by it. Furthermore, I believe, by its very nature, it CANNOT be known.  The initial cause or first moment are inaccessible, not only to rational inquiry but even to imagination.

    Not very satisfying, I know, but we can never perceive or discuss the universe at its limits.  It can't be contained within or compared to anything.  There is no basis for conceptualization.  There is evidence that supports the Big Bang, but we can know the universe at time zero.  And there was no "before."

    Oh, I see now.  You're a fundie.  Okay, tell me what caused God.  Then we can compare ideas.  If you say that God is infinite, they why can't the universe be, as well?

    What we DO know about the bible is that it is a conglomeration of cultural legends, written and translated many times over 3500 years.  Its original stories were told by people who didn't even realize that plants are living things. They were primitive, ignorant, and authoritarian.  Somebody said, "This is the word of God."  The dummies believed him.  And they have been believing it ever since, despite the fact that all the physical evidence around us shows the bible to be breathtakingly errant as a source of information about natural history.

    Bottom line: if God does exist, he is a consummate liar and fraud.  He has created a universe absolutely full of counterfeit evidence, ALL of which contradicts his Holy Word.  Now explain that.

    Sego, there are a GREAT many things which will make no sense to you.

  16. Truth to power brother!

  17. Earth did not come directly from the big bang. Scientists are making predictions and calculations as to where the matter came from. When the big bang happened, particles even smaller than sub-atomic particles were ejected along with radiation. These particles bonded to make larger particles and eventually, gas.

    The proof of the big bang lies in calculations and in the fact that we can actually see the universe expanding.

    Come on, man! You think that it's sooo unlikely that a massive explosion of matter and energy in space actually happened and you think That somebody said he wanted this and that and it all appeared out of nowhere!? Animals, a fully formed Earth, the universe, etc... Really? And where did your creator come from? Did he pop out of nowhere too?

  18. that is an oversimplification. and the big bang doesn't discuss the origin of the universe just the expansion of the universe, and ultimately you are arguing from ignorance, just because science can't answer something, doesn't mean that your answer is any more valid. evidence for the big bang is in the link below

  19. There is no direct evidence for the Big Bang Theory as it never happened. Instead, our Universe has always existed & always will. This is explained by the "The Steady State Theory" which says there was no beginning for our Universe & there will be no ending, just a continuation for infinity.

    Cheers !

  20. the big bang is not a theory about the formation of the earth, nor does it purport to explain why there is something rather than nothing, it was not an explosion but rather an expansion of space, and so forth. you complain that it makes no sense but that's clearly more to do with the fact that you just don't understand it.

  21. You need to study up on your quantum physics. Things come out of nowhere all the time. Virtual particles that appear out of nowhere are responsible for things like Hawking radiation and the Casimir effect. The universe is just teeming with virtual particles popping in and out of existence.
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