
Big Bang theory?

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If the big bang theory is true, then why does the universe not follow the law of angular momentum? Planets spinning in different directions?




  1. You seem to have a confused understanding of just what the Big Bang is supposed to cover.  The Big Bang didn't send planets out, fully formed, from the void.  It wasn't until billions of years after the Big Bang that galaxies and star systems began to form.

    The Solar System was formed from a spinning mas of gases and particles, which eventually came together to form planets.  The reason why some planets have odd rotations is likely due to other debris crashing into the planets, changing their angular momentum.

  2. no one has proved it true since no one was their to see it happen, just like no one knows if theirs a god or not. I find it more fun not knowing these answers.

  3. DUDE its not true thats its a therory a method is a proven theory when we can prove the big bang THEORY is real or not thats when your questioned will be answered

  4. to anser dis

    get a girl or a guy, if ur g*y, then f^*k like theres no tomorow then you will understand the big BANG theory

  5. Because the planets weren't just spit out of the explosion LOL. The Universe evolved, too.

    When the explosion happened, planets didn't just come flying out. They were made from clumps of gas solidifying after the explosion.

  6. Short answer: angular momentum is conserved, you just don't understand it very well.

  7. I thought that was tv show. Why would the universe follow a tv show?

  8. idk.. loser.

    just kidding. i love the show though!

  9. Quite Frankly, I doubt the Big Bang theory is true. Something as intricate as a planet or the gravitational fields could not have happened on its own. I don`t know if you`re atheist, but if you are, try thinking of all the cycles and how our body is made so well. I don`t think we all started as bacteria.

  10. Because its a theory and its NOT true. Science CANNOT explain everything.

  11. Many components go into science. None of them say we HAVE to all spin in the same direction

  12. Theory, key word: theory. Its widely accepted but everyone knows god created the universe...

  13. I love that show! But I don't know the answer! I'll try and figure it out.

  14. 1) In science, a "theory" is a set of rules that accurately explains a situation and fits in with the rest of our scientific knowledge. It is not a "hypothesis," as in an unproven guess, like most people on this board seem to think... (Think about other places where the word "theory" is used in this way... For example, music "theory" isn't something unproven, it's a set of logical rules.)

    2) The answer to this is way too complicated for Yahoo Answers, and if you had enough knowledge of physics to actually be capable of understanding it, you wouldn't be asking HERE!

  15. we'll just have to wait n see i think.

  16. The Big Bang theory is exactly that, A THEORY. People need to stop telling themselves its a fact. Good observation.

  17. its not true! sorry to burst your evolutionary bubble! check out the Bible for the answers your looking for!!! :D

    Genesis 1-2

  18. The rotation of objects in the universe is dependent upon the gravity fields, impacts and other random events in their local areas.

  19. We were created by God. the big band theory is a lie. that explains everything

  20. the big bang theory isnt true!

  21. Energy, Vacuum & Gavity.

  22. because of gravity

  23. Planets did not emerge from the big bang.  Planets come into being when gaseous nebulae condense into stars and the material surrounding them condenses into planets.  It's gravity that causes this material to conpress into balls.  Their angular momentum is the result of the rotation of the forming star.

  24. The universe does follow the law of angular momentum. The big bang did not send planets out spinning into the universe from the get go. The big bang spawned matter particles and these matter particles were binded by the elemental forces in order to create higher states of matter in turn since the force of gravity is dependent upon the amount of matter, these higher states of matter were pulled into each other to form higher states of matter like gases, and these gases slowly (and i mean slowly) began to form solid matter we know recognize as planets and comets and what have you. Anyway what led you to believe that the universe does not follow the law of angular momentum. Angular momentum is conserved here on earth, aren't we part of the universe?
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