
Big Bang vs Creation?

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Who believes in what? I want to know and why you do. I myself am Orthodox Romanian, save i do believe in the Big bang; yet I do believe in good. Who believes in what??




  1. i believe in god cause i m a christian

  2. Believe in both because it is taught to us that science and religion should not be in conflict with one another because science also has its own explanation and so is the Roman Catholic religion. Our teachers taught us that science and religon are fair with each u dont have to choose between big bang and creation...coz believing in both are allowed

  3. Christian - Believe in Creation, possibly through means of Big Bang/Evolution. I believe that Man could have evolved and then God could have just given us souls when He thought the time was right. However I also really don't think it matters.  

  4. Well, we have to remember that there is no sound in space.  This means that the word "Bang" doesn't actually represent a noise, but an explosion.

    Since an explosion in space would be a soundless burst of light, this is in accord with the Bible.  "Let there be light...and there was light."  This could be a description of the Big Bang  written by someone who didn't understand the science of what he was seeing.

  5. I generaly believe in the creation because nobody knows where we come from but only God

  6. believe in the big bang and the evolution theory. too much evidence otherwise.  

  7. the Big Bang is a theory, meaning that in the past 80 or so years it has been around, it has been tested and so far, holds up well (with a few changes) pretty much since it was proposed.

    Creation is not a theory, its a fanciful story told by ignorant shepherds and retold by Kings to set their power on a divine level, thus securing their fatcat lifestyle.

    The Big Bang could be DIS-proved.

    Creation has to be taken entirely on faith.

    The Big Bang is science.

    Creation is silly.

    am I being too partisan?

  8. I believe in the big bang because there are evidence that show our universe is expanding and in some point in time, there had to be a starting point at which they expand from- the big bang.

  9. I believe God created the big bang all that Genesis stuff is just metaphors your not supposed to actually take it literally it's just a way to explain it to people who have just created roads and the wheel i mean try explaining e=mc2 to them you might as well try explaining it to a 3 year old

  10. i believe in a bit of both. like i believe somewhat of the big bang.. but i believe something must have planned it. or do i? i dont even know what i believe anymore... :/ im way too lost in this religous stuff.

  11. Personally, I am a person of science. I believe in what the evidence points towards... I only believe in something if there is proof, or an overwhelming amount of evidence. Given this, I don't *believe* in the big bang and evolution, I know that they are real. It shouldn't take faith to believe in something that has a tremendous amount of scientific evidence behind it. Some, including myself, view these theories as basically proven. And by that I mean that the *idea* is correct. But we haven't filled in all the details yet. For example, the big bang theory states that the universe is expanding. Hubble's law proved the universe is expanding... given that, we know that the universe had to have been created with some sort of explosion and couldn't have been around forever... if something is expanding, then it must have been very small at one time... given this, we know that the universe must have been created, and wasn't around forever. The big bang theory states all of these things. So the idea is basically proven... as you know, there are some problems and holes in the theory that need to be filled in. That's why its still a "theory". The largest are: "What caused the universe's creation?" and "What is the universe expanding into?" Some people incorporate God into the answer to these questions, and don't take Genesis as the true story. Obviously Genesis is wrong... there is no way the universe was created in 6 days, 6000 years ago. Genesis was written before science was even studied... primitive man had no idea what the correct answer was. More and more Christians seem to be accepting the big bang theory, evolution, while still incorporating God. Personally, I don't do that... but that's just me.

    As for evolution, this seems to be challenged by Christians the most because it goes against the Bible. I'm not sure I understand *why* though... they disregard Genesis 1:1 and regard the big bang for the universe's creation (well, most do) yet they are stiplers when it comes to later verses of Genesis. I believe it was Genesis 1:26 that said God created man instantly, and in his own image... but its been a while sense I studied the Bible. I don't know... perhaps you could Google it for me.

    But, back to evolution. Just like the big bang theory, evolution is basically proven. Actually, I find that evolution has even more evidence than the big bang, which is a high bar to jump. We've seen fossils and skulls of different stages of mankind, proving that we've evolved. Compare these to the skulls of apes, and it looks like a direct connection... and that's just to the naked eye. Forensic inspection and carbon dating reveals even more evidence. I guess everyone will accept it once we find a fossil from every different stage... but I doubt that will happen. Skulls often get destroyed and links are broken. :( But that still doesn't stop the facts that we've come up with out of the fossils that we have collected.

    As with the big bang theory, there are some missing links. The largest being "What planted life on Earth to begin with?". People say that God did... well, I don't think so. Not because I'm an atheist, but because of new information and a new theory that would explain it. Apparently, where there is water, there is life... well, life can sprout out of it on occasion. With Earth, bacterial life came about. This could have happened from comets, or just water naturally forming on Earth. Some people believe that God created the universe... period. He left everything else up to science. I can understand that, and *almost* can believe in it. Personally, I think the universe is a cycle... its created, then sucked back, then created again through the big bang. People ask, "Well what started the cycle?" Well in this case, science can say that it has simply always been around. But that's up for debate. Some people don't view God as an intelligent being, but rather simply the event that started the big bang.

    Seeing as you posted this under the astronomy and space forum, most people are going to say that they believe in the big bang. If you want more of a wide range of opinions, then perhaps post under polls and surveys... but don't expect much of an explanation, they prefer giving short answers.

    Well anyway, this is my view. I'm glad that there are people like you  that don't deny science. Good for you. I have no problems with people that believe in God, as long as they don't disregard the big bang or evolution.

  12. I accept the theory of the Big bang because there is substantial evidence to support it.  Whether or not it was the result of a conscious act is impossible to say.

  13. Don't fight science; it is too strong. Especially in school,  Don't question / challenge the teacher teaching evolution. The teacher thought I did and mocked / attacked me daily.

    Don't do it. In a Christian bookstore I read an author stating that it was our duty to challenge the teacher on the existence of dinosaurs!  Don't do it!!

    Just nod your head in agreement and pass the class / sleep well at night!

  14. Raised Roman Catholic, Big Bang, we don't have a big problem with science since that whole Galileo thing... who'd of thought the Earth wasn't the center of the universe!

    Because Creation is a fable.

  15. Have physicists found the God?

    Yes. They have.

    Is this “ Jesus who is God creator of 100 billion galaxies”.


    “ The Catholic Church, which put Galileo under house arrest for daring

    to say that Earth orbits the sun, isn't known for easily accepting new

    scientific ideas. So it came as a surprise when Pope Pius XII declared

    his approval in 1951 of a brand new cosmological theory—the Big Bang. “

    The Catholic Church then adopted the theory of — the Big Bang .

    Strange that the Catholic Church should adopt a Physics theory

    ....but it was basing its Scientific Beliefs and Religious Beliefs

    there was now a split between Religion and Science

    which started from Galileo's Trial, and which has never been healed.

    by Michael D. Lemonick, Illustrations by Moonrunner Design

    published online February 5, 2004

    My opinion.



    Once upon a time, 20 billions of years ago, all matter

    (all elementary particles and all quarks and

    their girlfriends- antiparticles and antiquarks,

    all kinds of waves: electromagnetic, gravitational,

    muons… gluons field ….. etc.) – was assembled in a “single point”.    

    It is interesting to think about what had surrounded the “single point”.

    The answer is :



    But why does everyone speak about EMPTINESS- NOTHING in

    common phrases rather than in specific, concrete terms?

    I wonder why nobody has written down this EMPTINESS- NOTHING in

    the form of a physical formula ? You see, every schoolboy knows that

    is possible to express the EMPTINESS- NOTHING condition

    by the formula  T=0K.

    *       *       *

    Once there was a “Big Bang”.

    But in what space had the Big Bang taken place

    and in what space was the matter of the Big Bang distributed?

    Not in  T=0K?

    It is clear, that there is only EMPTINESS, NOTHING, in  T=0K.

    Now consider that the Universe, as an absolute frame of reference is

    in a condition  of  T = 2,7K  (rests relic radiation of the Big Bang ).

    But, the relic radiation is extended and in the future will change

    and its temperature will decrease.

    What temperature can this radiation reach?

    Not  T=0K?

    Hence, if we go into the past or into the present or into the future,

    we can not escape from EMPTINESS- NOTHING  T=0K.


    Detected material mass of the matter in the Universe is so small

    (the average density of all substance in the Universe is

    approximately p=10^-30 g/sm^3) that the gravitation law

    doesn't work. The cosmological constant in Universe is zero.

    The Newton/ Einstein's gravitation laws are correct only

    in the local parts of Vacuum. The Universe / Vacuum  is endless.

    And when this Infinity comes nobody knows what  to do

    with the infinity. Our tiny minds cannot get a handle on its size,

    so we try to give it shapes and boundaries, all of which is folly.

    Therefore was invented "dark matter" and another abstract,

    ineffective objects.

    But to our happiness the Infinite Vacuum has one physical

    parameter-  the temperature. The temperature of the Infinite

    Vacuum  is  concrete, real fact. It is T=0K. Therefore it is

    possible and necessary to begin to think from T=0K.


    About the theory of the “Big Bang” is written  the thick (very thick) books.

    But anywhere do not write about the reason of the “Big Bang”.

    Anybody does not know it.

    I know.

    The action, when the God compresses all Universe

    into his palm,  we have named " a  singular point".

    And action, when  the God opens his palm,

    we have named the "Big Bang".

    ============ ==============.

    Is it good proof of God existing?


  16. If you look at it in quantum perspective, they're kinda the same thing.

  17. i believe in both theories. the big bang because it explains how the universe begun and expand  through periods of time. it also explains how the planets, stars, galaxies, asteroids etc. are formed. in the divine creation theory, because it explains how god created the earth, not the universe. it was written how He gave life in the earth.

  18. I am a Christian who is not so arrogant as to tell God how He created the universe. All evidence discovered points to the Big Bang, so I support that as the mechanism for the universe coming into existence. This is not inconsistent with believing that God caused it. The Bible cannot be read entirely as a literal text - God wouldn't give us all the answers up front. He'd definitely leave some as an exercise for the students.

  19. the big bang makes sense.....

    and the particles all formed to make the planets...

    then the oceans were seeded and started life etc  

  20. I do not believe in either - Creation is a made up story based on no evidence whatsoever.   the Big Bang is a scientific theory, but despite the army of scientists who insist it's true, there is in fact a growing body of EVIDENCE to suggest that it is wrong.   There are globular clusters that are older than the proposed age of the universe, there are observations that violate the theory of relativity if they are interpreted they was the Big Bang necessitates they be.  There are galactic superstructures (i.e. the Great Wall) that could not have formed in only 13.8 billion years and on and on.  

    The Big Bang is based on only one observation really - the red shift of galaxies (the cosmic background radiation observation is also considered confirmation of BBT, but it can be interpreted in other non BBT ways).   Red Shift can also be caused by things other than Doppler Shift - The Compton Effect, for example, and Gravitational Red Shift.   Edwin Hubble himself, who is credited with the Red Shift observation, was not convinced that the Galaxies were flying away from each other.  He said so in the paper he won the Nobel Prize for.

    Most of these observations are discounted by 'scientists' who cling to the Big Bang theory the same way evangelicals cling to Creation - the respect for the scientific method is slowly being eroded by the very experts who we entrust to uphold it.  

    Also - both Creation and Big Bang propose that the universe was created from nothing, in a single moment and evolved to resemble the universe we see today.   They are conspicuously similar.  They only differ on whether God played a role or not.   Both are wrong.

  21. to not believe in the big bang is insane. theres massive amount of evidence to support it.

    but the big bang and creation are not mutually exclusive. you can believe in both, and a lot of people do.

  22. For something to be considered true, it must have consistent, testable proof, correct? Otherwise it becomes a matter of interpretation, a matter of belief. Like the belief in Santa Claus or the Easter bunny.

    There's natural evidence of the Big Bang, that's why it's supported by scientists. Creationism however does not have the kind of tangible support that can stand scrutiny. That's why it can't be considered true in any real world sense.

    And you don't need creation to "believe" in doing good. (Also, the big bang is not covered by evolution. It's different science.)
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