
Big Braadaah: What sort of job do you think Kat is destined for, advertising Cookies perhaps or a Call centre?

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  1. I think she will do a few magazine deals and then marry her boyfriend, have children and be a good mother.  

  2. Rugby Player

  3. I would say she would become the next Zezi for BBLB, bad dress sense but more interesting and funny.

    Imagine, ahhhnd naowwww I pass you to Laaaammmmbbbbbyyyyy and he tahk abou the housemaih and wah dey up tooh at daah mohmen!

    clappy clappy clappy im so happy happy happy, i love my cookie I lahv cookin cookieeeeee!

    Gotta love her!  

  4. c beebies  or  in the new series of  Dr Who as a Slitheen  sorry  lmao

  5. a good job for kat after bb would be quality control officer at maryland cookies, although she'll get fired after a day for eating them all

  6. LOL yeah i can see her and darnell advertising cookiies him singing in the backround and her jumping around and biting into the cookie lool  

  7. God forbid either of them i would hate to see her on the television ever again and hate to have her at the end of phone.

    She will be seen and gone becauase people who make it to end and not win vanish oh Magician assistant please lol

  8. She'll travel around with a circus being the one with the annoying voice who can eat a lorry load of cookies in under 60 seconds.

  9. Fashion designer. The shoes she wore when she walked into the house were amazing and her glasses match with her hair. The girl could be a fashion icon!

  10. Dressed in a pink romper suit working at Madame Whiplashes establishment......taking care of the men in their 50's who also like dressing and speaking like a toddler!

    EDIT: John you couldn't afford me!  :-)

  11. She has a very good understanding of the English language and I don't , for one minute, think she talks like that, really .... how about a job teaching conversational English to foreign businessmen

  12. a Thai Teletubby

  13. Yeah I agree about the call centre...but I should imagine she will work her way through lucrative husbands then head back to Thailand!!  Shes not really fit for anything else now is she??

  14. Well she a job with BT technical support I should think

  15. Pmsl, I'm with Philip H on this one !!

  16. ladyboy in some sleazy joint in bangkok.

  17. A traffic cone would just about suit her,

  18. I have always seen her as a Sumo wrestler...but a call centre operative would be another job well suited to her.

    She could work for AOL...Their "OPERATIVES" use to drive me

  19. Cover girl on the Daily Star ?????

  20. King Edwards Potatoes P........ Wasn't it Darnell who said she looked like one ??

  21. Advertising "Friends Reunited" would be a classic, because she make lots of fren in BB hows!!!

  22. sounds like GARTS speaking from experience??????????

    pleeeeessssssseeeeeeeeee misss gartttt....i wannnntttt MOooorrrreeeeeeee?????????

  23. well for the first 6 months she'll be in the papers shouting about cookies and then dissapear into oblivion like the rest of them  

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