
Big Brother 10......Can you answer this question? caution...spoiler!?

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Who did Dan up up on the block after Memphis pulled himself off the block?




  1. memphis and jerry will go up

  2. Well i read the answer in another question by mistake !  So i might as well let you know too.  Memphis wins POV and takes  himself off the block and Michelle is put up instead.  I'm not sure why Michelle was put up considering that Ollie was the one who got to pick since he made a bet with Dan...and i remember Ollie saying that Michelle wouldn't be safe.  I don't know what drama happened but it is juicy !

  3. He backdoored Michelle. Ollie got pissed becuz Dan broke their deal of not putting him or Michelle up. He told Dan that he embarrassed him in front of millions of people and threw a fit, knocking things down in the backyard, throwing a lollipop, and taking the keys off the wall. However, he's still in the house.

  4. The POV ceremony is tomorrow but it seems like he is going to put up Michelle.  

  5. he put up michelle and then i hear that ollie acted like a real jerk knocking down, breaking up stuff!

    and michelle got on her "f" word kick, because you know that's the way to resolve things is to cuss and act ugly.

    whatever happened with you can catch more flies with honey.  had michelle took a chill pill she would have jumped into nice mode and started winning people over.

    but no biggie it's double elimination this week so the poo's really gonna hit the fan now!

    rock on sweet judy!

  6. First, thanks for mentioning in the header part that this contains a spoiler...I hate when people don't warn you.

    But, what am I missing with the spoiler thing?  The POV happens on Tuesday night, right?  Or has it already been filmed and Memphis wins the POV and pulls himself off?

    If that does (or already did) happen, he certainly wouldn't put up Remy or Keesha, so it would have to be Michelle.  

    I thought that Ollie was being too cocky about having the control in trusting that Dan would hold up his end of the bargain, but at least I don't think he'll go so far back on his word and put up Ollie.  

  7. Hasn't happened yet...prob'ly Michelle or Ollie,,,

  8. the POV hasnt taken place yet...but he is definitely gearing toward breaking the deal with ollie which is smart because that was a DUMB move on his part..and i like Dan too...he need to fix this.

  9. Oh im so glad memphis won woohooooo!  

  10. No one yet. The PoV ceremony hasn't happened.

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