
Big Brother 10 Comments- Do you agree? Am I missing something?

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So I don't get 2 things from last nights veto. First, why didn't Memphis let Keisha win to keep herself safe and take him off the block, so that Ollie couldn't have anyone he wanted up? Also, why did Ollie think that who he put up would go home? It would have been 2 to 2 and Dan would then have the tie-breaker vote. Letting Ollie control this tie-breaking vote was never in their deal, right?




  1. I think Keisha could still go on the block even if she would of won. I agree it still would of been 2to 2 because Memphis  and Renny would vote to keep her and Ollie and Michelle would vote to kick her out.

    But the only thing I could think of is that Dan Memphis Renny and Keisha Feel that Michelle is tougher then Jerry is and they can beat him in any computation  

  2. I thought the same exact thing.  I kept wondering why they didn't let Keesha win so Ollie was trapped.  But, look how stupid "the deal" was in the first place.  I think Dan really shot himself in the foot on that one.  :)

  3. Dan hasnt done anything that anyone else hasnt done already!  Do you remember April promising Michelle that her Jesse would be safe if michelle let her (april) win the hoh?  We all know what happened then don't we!!!  Its a game and i'm so tired of people acting so surprised when they get screwed because if the roles were reveresed they would do the same thing.

  4. If Memphis would have let Keesha win then Ollie would have wanted Renny to go up!

    These are some good questions!

    I sure hope Renny wins

  5. well dang, i never saw that episode yet.

    thanks for ruining it.

  6. It was all part of Dan's master plan. From the beginning Michelle was the target, but Dan wanted to backdoor her. They were hoping she would not get to play for POV. Dan Never was planning on following through with the third part of the deal.

    Dan also wanted to stir up things in the house, pit houseguests against each other. That is why he played that game at the POV.

    Ollie doesn't really think things through, so I guess he didn't think of the tiebreaker which was not part of the deal.

    I think Dan is a Will wannabe, and trying to orchestrate things for 'good TV'.

    I do wonder if Dan sometimes is forgetting about the jury. He sure is taking chances with the jury votes. I think he could have saved a few votes by not humiliating some of the houseguests, Including Keesha and Renny, who are supposedly part of his alliance. He seems to be more confident in his game play than I am.  

  7. Lots of good points!

    It makes me wonder like, what all goes behind the scenes and stuff.

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