
Big Brother 10 Question.......?

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What was with the Sumo wrestler guy standing in the middle of the house, I missed what Julie said and am very curios as to why he is there?




  1. He is sitting on the envelop. There is going to be a luxury competition and the winner will get a trip outside the house which can impact the game. Dan just got the envelope from sumo wrestler. It said that there is a luxury comp and more details will come tomorrow.  

  2. the sumo had an important message underneath him.

    here's a spoiler if you're interested. i was just watching the live feeds, and the sumo guy stood up for a quick second, and dan grabbed the envalope underneath him. when he read it, it said one of the houseguests will win a trip outside of the house that may change the game. more details tomorrow.

    i'm excited to know what it is :)

  3. He is sitting on some information that they need but they don't know it yet LOL This could get interesting!

  4. YOUR MOM!!...and what they said a message under it =)    :-o

  5. He is there because he is sitting on a message that is very important for the house guest. In his language he is saying, "I am sitting on something important for the game".bby!! It is suppose to say something about an upcoming luxury competition.. The winner will get a reward outside the game that can help the houseguest in the house some how. Dan had got the letter and that what is said..

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