
Big Brother 10 US......?

by Guest33129  |  earlier

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Ok. weeks ago, before the first episode even aired. A question was asked regarding the "new" houseguests and their profiles and I might add that some were quite hasty to judge and labeled them boring, original or "plain." lol. I answered ofcourse, saying that this season should be interesting and that to me it was all about personalities and not looks. So my question is;

So far, after watching BB10 US for as long as it has been on,

What are your thoughts on the houseguests and their game on a strategic level??

Who is your favorite?

And who are your picks on winning the half million and fifty grand??




  1. I like Dan and hope he wins.  Memphis can go home this week.  He has the car and I just don't like his whole attitude.  "I'm a mixologist."  Come on, he's a bartender.  I liked Michelle until she got all crazy over Jessie.  Now that he is gone, I think she seems to be more like she was before her alliance with Jessie.  Jerry and Renny need to go home.  I would send Memphis home this week (otherwise, I'm afraid he will go after Dan).  Next week get rid of Renny, then Ollie, Jerry, and Keesha.

  2. Jerry, has no plan, except to pick people to hang with

    Memphis, Dan and Ollie plan to play week got them to this point.  People still think they are not good players, mostly Dan and Ollie

    What I do not get, this been done more then once, why people fall for the same act time after time, gets me

    Ollie, the April think messed up his game.  Then he replace April with Michelle(not sleeping with her or his girlfriend).  He needed to play on his on

    Renny is smart, but is nuts.  She will do think that makes not sense.  IF she listen to Keesha, she could get far.  

    Michelle, I do not understand, how on last Thursday, she had a good plan with Memphis, and went to Ollie.  That was a huge mistake.  Keesha wants her out, she was to close to both Memphis and Renny

    Keesha I do not like, but is playing a smart game

    Dan did good making the plan, but give to much.  He was not planning on doing the POV part.  To convince people that him and Memphis are not together, putting him up was a good plan

    Memphis does not like Dan putting him up, but has a good plan with Dan.  I think he should of kept Michelle, and got out Renny

    Renny wants him out, and she is a wild care

    On the other hand, if it came to the final five, Memphis, Dan, Renny, Jerry and Keesha, and one wins HOH, They should get out Keesha, and keep Jerry

    Jerry or Renny could not do a final four HOH, one of the two should win

    I would like to see Dan or Memphis in the final two

  3. I said the same thing that this season should be interesting and it is.

    I have been going back and forth since the season started. At first I was aww Jerry is such a sweet old man it would be great if he got to final three and after watching him and his actions I can not stand him.

    I love Renny. She is a trip.

    My favorites are Renny, Dan, Keesha, & Mephis.

    I really hope it will come down to either of them being in the bottom.

  4. This season has been interesting, and recently there has been a lot of things heating up with Dan being HOH. I like the houseguests, but what I don't like is putting a 75 year old in the house. I'm sorry but I just didn't like that at all. He is so out of place and I actually feel sorry for him! I have more then one favorite, I like Memphis, Dan, and Renny. I want them to be top 3 for sure.

    I want Dan to win the 50 grand and Memphis to win it all. Or maybe Renny win the 50 grand. Its all up in the air right now and I am excited to continue watching this season :)

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