
Big Brother 10 question [contains spoilers]?

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So since double eviction, Michelle and Ollie were voted out.


So word has it Jerry won HOH

and he put up Dan and Keesha.

Any word on who won that POV?




  1. I just checked live feeds and they are still sleeping. The PoV comp took place yesterday for sure. BB told them not to speak about the PoV so no one knows for sure who won.

    People are GUESSING that Jerry won but nothing is confirmed.


    Memphis won the PoV.

    He wants to take Dan off the block. Jerry will then nominate Renny. Dan and Memphis want Renny evicted.

  2. Memphis won POV and there is a possibility he might take Dan off the block.

  3. after the pov comp. Noone looked excited or did any celebrating , so it looks as if Jerry may have won Pov also.

  4. POV started about midnight last night (house time) and i read that feeds came back on about 5 hours later showing the houseguests going to bed. No real indication of who won, but lots of speculation.  

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