
Big Brother 9-Rex booing Kat, Rachel and Sara last night?

by  |  earlier

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How HILARIOUS was that, it really cracked me up, bad.

There's no denying, Rex is one funny bully!





  1. Rex is always funny to me.  I get his sense of humour which unfortunately many people don't.  

  2. I love him,

    hes so harshl;y honest and he just always upright says the little negative things on our minds about the other housemates!

    he and mikey are the most entertaining things in their so id be happy if either of them one :D

    (cant stand rachel... eurgh)

  3. Yeah...He is funny....A  funny dictator.....He reminds me of 'Hitler'

  4. Rex is so egotistical and arrogant!

    how can anybody possibly like him?

    Mikey to win!

  5. sara? that ratatouille?

  6. At first I thought that maybe Rex was secretly very insecure, that was why he was always bragging about all his money, restaurants etc. etc....... the way he treated Nicole also, pushing her, to see how far he could go was maybe a way of reassuring himself that she really loved him, but as the programme went on I have changed my opinion and think that he is in fact just a power junkie.....although his bullying may be funny to watch, I wouldn't want to be the one he was continually targeting .

  7. i think mo should have smacked rex behind the ear instead of mikey,but mikey,s was hilarious.

  8. I don`t find that type of humour funny at all, any humour that ridicules, embarrasses and upsets people is just not funny, basically it is cowardly bullying and is the only thing that he has brought to BB9, how would you feel if it was you that was the target, or your sister or girl friend, would you then think that it was funny, Rex is the worst sort of spoilt brat, daddy is a millionaire who has given him every thing that is in Rex`s life and yet he still thinks that he has done it for himself, if not for his dad, he would probably be working in a shoe shop or something, instead of bragging and boasting about what he has got and what he has done, at least Rachel is a genuinely nice girl with a good manner, I know who I would prefer as a friend, it would certainly not be that, head stuck up his own rump Rex.

  9. he is hilarious sometimes

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