
Big Brother 9: Sara Pretending to cry...?

by  |  earlier

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I think Sara is s**y but what the **** was she doing pretending to cry she made a sad situation so funny, and as soon as she let go of her you could she her wondering her eyes to the side... one of the funniest things.




  1. i like sara but they all pretended rachel just pulled a face and made a noise like she was crying but she wasn't she just a fake like kat cant stand her rex pretended like he cared but he did smirk a couple of times mikey didn't give a **** and darnell pretended to be bothered but when she left all he could say was at least he knows hes liked by the public now hes not hated none of them give a **** they just want to win its so funny sara to win  

  2. they all pretend to cry. funny how darnell was happy the kat left  

  3. The whole thing was hilarious and i think Sara wanted to sympathise with Kat but like myself Sara found it really funny and nearly laughed a kinda nervous laugh. . .

    My feeling is they all felt like laughing b/c it was the biggest farce ever on BB - what on earth was all the fuss about? - so Kat was evicted - that's the game isn't it?  -  actually i know why Kat was making such a fuss -- after Mo went she said "oh big brother don't take any more of my friends away"  she was convinced she was staying lol

    Watching  Rex i thought it was a kinda nervous laugh that turned into a smirk as he realised his opposition was out!!    --  it was a bit of a shock though the way it was done...

  4. Yup, i could see too, and she keeps going I CANT BELIEVE IT and stupid stuff like that, just trying to act like she is interested.

  5. She was only trying to lift spirits. She is a good housemate!

    SARAH 110% TO WIN!

  6. Apart from Kat and Mo....They were all being pretentious with the crying. Even if there were tears...they were not tears of sorrow.

  7. yeh, so fake. also rex was walking around the room pretending to look shocked that kat was going, then smirking slightly as if he thinks he is the clear winner now

  8. Rex had a little smirk on his face at one point too.Rachel was the only one who was genuinely upset when Kat went.

  9. lol..... everyone else were either too upset or too happy to notice that Sara's eyes were dry.

    Rex's face was funny .... you could see he was trying not to whoop for

    Apart from Mo and Kat, the only genuine tears that night were from Rachel (for Kat) and Darnell (for Mo).

  10. She was probably trying to keep her laughter in, but if i was there i would of pissed my pants with laughter lol.

  11. If they cry people run them down if they dont the same .What do people want .Sara wasent that close to Kat her friend was Lisa and shes gone Saras the best  

  12. yep i noticed that........i think she genuinely finds it hard and confusing when emotions get out of the shallow waters of 'loighten up we're just havin fuuuun'  

  13. Darnell -

    "Kat, I swear on my Mothers Life I love you"


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