
Big Brother UK 2008 Rachel is a WINNER!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Are you happy with this decision.


Rachel was the loveliest, kindest housemate ever. She deserved it so much.

Eughh, please don't answer if your gonna say she's boring





  1. your life must be exciting if you found her best bits good!!!

  2. yawn...

  3. Yawn. thats all i did when she was on the screen. how can she have won? seriously. When they done the BB highlights, how many times was she shown......hmmm 5 tops?Undeserved, unjustified and i have lost faith in the british public.....well it must have been the welsh public that voted for her, you know thats the truth.

  4. Yeah i'm very pleased for her - i liked her even more during her interview with Davina.

    Rachel deserved  to to win - she helped everyone in the house.

    I'm very happy with the first three..

    Well done Rach       ;  )

  5. Noo I dont think she was boring but she was SOOO FAKEEE it was unbelievable in her video she was SOO different and she clung to Kat just because she thought Kat was going to win!! But I will have a look at ehr best bits pretty soon when its up on Youtube, good point. . .  


    I am SOO happy that Rachel won.

    She was by far the most deserving out of the remaining housemates.

    And finally, another female winner, well done Rach.


  7. Yes, I'm very pleased.

    She is so deserving, so adorable and caring.

    I don't undertand why some people have to be such bad losers.

    Yes, I thought her best bits were way better than some of the others.  

  8. YYEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! it is soooo ****** awesome!1 Big Brother has finished thank god!! I dont have a clue who Rachel is and oh guess what I dont care!! Just another daft w***e who will get her **** out for a few quid every week.

    Big Brother is shute and should be taken off air for good!

  9. Yeah, I'm happy... they both deserved it and it was a close call.

  10. FIX.

  11. yes i the ones that say it all cos the welsh voted for her u need to learn your numbers cos us welsh have half the population than people who live in London so wtf u on bout?oh and mikey is from Scotland and he didnt get enough votes from the scots and there are more scots than welsh so explain that then  

  12. WHO CARES?

  13. YESSSS!!! i totally agree with you... she was simply the BEST wasn't she... i literally jumped in the air when i heard she had won..... so ecstaticly happy!!! LOVE HER soooo much!

    TEAM RACHEL - WE WON!!!!!!  

  14. I agree 100%  !

  15. I am really really happy for her.She thoroughly deserved it.

  16. Was Rachel entertaining no she was not she was dull like Monsoon the whole caring thing I think it was an act we should see in a few weeks if she really does stay in contact with her housemates.

    The real winner in my opinion was Rex.

    But out of Rachel and Micky who should of won Micky by far he was entertaining and these clips prove it

  17. she is an annoying booring fake...bit ch....thats all i can say...she didnt deserved to g*y is that

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