
Big Brother US SPOILER - Was Dan Instructed to wear his medal when he went to talk to Reny or Not?

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It appears that he is taking right up where Libra left off playing mind games with the rest of the house. he apparently told Keesha that he was told in the diary room to wear the POV when he went upstairs to talk to Reny. Is this something he has cooked up to take advantage of the American Player position or is Big Brother messing with him. Think about it, America's Player is not allowed to play for POV unless he/she is nominated and Dan won the medal, that should tell house guests that he is no long America's Player. Is Big Brother messing with him or is he messing with the other players.? I know he is messing with them over using it but this seems a bit too manipulative even for Dan.What are your thoughts and why are these people who make it on the show so smart about some parts of the show and so stupid about other parts like America's Player? They all say they have watched this show for years but they keep making stupid mistakes where Dan is concerned. they should have axed him last week but they didn't and now he is simply playing with them. Educate me.




  1. First of all, there is no rule that America's Player cannot play for POV unless nominated.  Eric played for POV when he was America's Player.  I don't know where you got that.  Second, the rest of the house never KNEW that Dan was America's player -- Jerry mouthed off about it, but he was just guessing, and it never really went anywhere.

    Dan is playing an excellent game, and has stayed under the radar for the most part.  Only Jerry has targeted Dan so far, and no one in the house takes Jerry seriously.


  2. I think they told him to wear it.

    You are so right about them being stupid for deciding to vote a player that is not a threat.I know if I was on I would decide myself who I want gone.Maybe that would get me kicked out fast LOL!!

    I think Dan is just starting to have fun instead of just being there.I really like him.

    I hope either Keesha Renny or Dan wins the money.

    I ♥ Big Brother!!

  3. grrrrrr i shouldn't have read Dan wins POV?  Hmmm interesting.  I'm guessing you guys have been watching the live feed.  I'm sure Dan will keep the Jerry and April because he doesn't like either and i know he really wants to see Jerry go home !

  4. Nobody knows

    What I understand is that the group in the house can not understand why BB is making Dan do that, and nobody else had to do that

    They got yelled out

    BB trying to control things again

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