
Big Brown's trainer feels like a loser, really, wonder why?

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But he still can't stop talking.....LOL And he's blaming the jockey in this article? What is wrong with this dude??




  1. Hes a rich spoiled douch

  2. Seems like Dutrow is blaming Kent.  

    And though I disagree with what Kent did, he may have felt that was the best interest of Big Brown.

    It could have been the lack of the steroids that he had been on.  He had not had a shot since the 15 of April.

    Dutrow brought this on himself. Let hiom feel like a loser.  He is. .  Big Brown is still a great horse and hopefully has a lot of races in him.

  3. If i was the trainer, i would question the jocks ride also. Look at the replay, he had him in trouble the whole trip.  I bet kent is taken off if big races in the travers.

  4. "I feel like a loser right now and I don't know why"

    I don't even know where to begin.  Maybe it's because he's spent the last 6+ weeks crowing that the horse was unbeatable.  Maybe it's because he repeatedly trashed every horse in the field and then they all zoomed past his horse.  Maybe it's because of his 72 fines and suspensions from racing commissions in six states and Canada.

    This guy is an idiot.

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