
Big Brown blew it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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He came in last after ESPN,ABC,and every other sports analyst assured and almost made it seem like it was a done deal,all Big Brown had to do was pick the trophy up.Yeah Right easier said than done.Like Eminem said "You only get one shot do not miss your chance to blow,opportunity comes once in a lifetime" he had his but blew it.I guess we are all human,or in this case all animals.

P.S. What the h**l was Shaq doing in the audience?




  1. Old news, hon.

    I believe Shaq was there since he did a commercial.

  2. shaq was in a vitamin water horse racing commercial thats why he was there to promote the water

    big brown didnt get his roids thats why he lost

  3. Looks like the glue factory for him.

  4. There is no such thing as an unbeatable horse, anything can happen in racing!

    Perhaps he had been campaigned too hard.  Perhaps he hit his peak to soon.  Perhaps his hoof was worse than first thought,  Perhaps it was because he was not running on steroids.  

    We'll find out in the days and weeks to come.


  6. Why is everybody surprised?  He simply didn't have the pedigree for the 1 1/2 mile.  Plus, once I saw Big Brown going 7 wide into the backstretch, I knew he was going to tire.  The slow fractions didn't help either.

  7. I haven't rooted for or been convinced any horse was good enough to win the TC since Affirmed (although I was pretty young at that time).

    Big Brown was much the best against the horses he faced in the first 2 TC races, and on a good day he would have trounced this field as well.

    I was among those convinced he would be a TC winner after hearing Casino Drive scratched. I didn't feel he really deserved it - but it did appear a foregone conclusion.

    He is not a 'special' horse IMO. His race times have been solid but not spectacular. Still he has been much the best against those he has faced.

    I'm actually glad he didn't complete the feat - as much as this sport wants and probably needs a TC winner to fuel interest.

    Regardless, nothing is a sure thing in racing. This is why I love the sport so much. Even the best horses can have a bad race or two.

  8. Rick Dutrow blew it.  Maybe Shaq was in the audience because he likes horse racing.

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