
Big Earhquake coming los angeles?

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I heard there is a earthquake coming, and i live in El Monte,California, and Los Angeles is 14.1 miles away and about 21 minutes away. Won't the quake decrease as it reaches El Monte. I think the quake was said to be 7.8.




  1. As we have not yet succeeded in prediction of earthquakes I have developed sum early warning systems in the year 2001 itself.With the use of this system I have issued the warning two hours before Tsunami struck our coast. Several scientists groups and seismologists are appreciating my instrumental mechanism for alerting the people in time so that they can at least move to a safer place.But the meteorological department is not prepared to investigate the real use of my life saving instruments.

  2. Only a matter of time.

  3. Nobody can yet predict exactly when an earthquake will occur, nor exactly where, nor its magnitude. However, it is a certainty that earthquakes of varying magnitudes will strike the Los Angeles area in the future. It lies in a very tectonically active region.

  4. Gee a 7.8 won't hardly be felt at all 14.1 miles away. Likely be felt at about 7.7. Minor.

  5. They are predicting an earthquake...but they don't know if it is tomorrow or 100 years from now. Earthquakes are impossible to predict. So, enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend and don't forget to say a special prayer for all the troops that are serving overseas ...............

  6. "California faces an almost certain risk of being rocked by a strong earthquake by 2037, scientists said Monday (4/14/08) in the first statewide temblor forecast.

    New calculations reveal there is a 99.7 percent chance a magnitude 6.7 quake or larger will strike in the next 30 years. The odds of such an event are higher in Southern California than Northern California, 97 percent versus 93 percent."

    source and more info here

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