
Big Foot Found in Georgia?

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I ain't buying it..or you? I saw this story on Fox News two days ago and I went on his Web Site. It was a bunch of mumbo jumbo and he was trying to sell Vitamins or some Health Food stuff...whatever. What do you think? LOL.




  1. You can tell from the expressions on these bozos faces that this was a prank.  There is no way an animal that big could have escaped being captured, killed, or found dead.

  2. Big Foot has been known to hang out at the Flora-Bama lounge.

  3. Fake!

    If you noticed at the press conference, the men who claim to have "discover" Bigfoot are constantly fidgeting. A sure sign of saying "we're just making this up for publicity"

    If you look at the pictures closely, everything is blurred. What kind of camera are they using?!? You could buy a $90 camera and it would still turn out better than the ones they took.

    They said to the reporters to pay them money and they will show them the "bigfoot", lying dead in a styrophone box. If they actually did find "bigfoot", they would not hesitate to show everyone the REAL creature for free.

    They just want the money and publicity.

  4. i went to take a shower this a.m. and there was a bigfoot in my shower, but the batteries in my camera were dead so i can't prove it.

    then, as i was walking back to my bedroom a ufo almost hit me as it came down the hall, scared me to death, but again, no pictures. you just have to believe me.  

  5. Its probably my former mother in law, she was an ugly beast

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