
Big Show and Mayweather fight at No way out was real?

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I heard that some of that Big Show and Mayweather fight at no way out was real! was it?




  1. If you looked closely at the pre-event commercial when Big Show picked Mayweather up and threw him over the ropes and out of the ring, you'll notice that "Floyd" was a mannequin.

    Floyd "won" the fight by using brass knuckles and bashing Big Show's head in with a folding chair.  In a real fight, Floyd would be dead before he got the brass knuckles fitted to his hand and Big Show wouldn't have just stood still while Floyd hit him with the chair.

    According to what appears to be a credible report, Floyd got paid a total of about $2 million for his participation in "No Way Out!"   Those who watched it thought "No WAY!" would have been more accurate.

    BTW, the real nature of that "event" can be easily determined:  Just look at Big Show's initials.

  2. Not real.  It was all planned out and choreographed.  He wasn't payed $20 million dollars either.


  3. Everything the guy above me said is a 100% correct.

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