
Big bang theory ,possible sinareo?

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If we assume our universe is expanding and there are countless parallel universes ,also assume our universe is enclosed within an ever expanding "bag" which is getting thinner with size, a rupture occurs letting energy escape ,a big bang,and another universe is created in its self to turn energy into matter and form other suns and galaxys.Is this a feasable sinareo




  1. I'm afraid your approach throws up too many variables.  I work in this field, and would never make so many assumptions all at once.  Given all your assumptions,  almost any scenario can be imagined.  However, please do not think I am criticizing in any way.  More people should think for themselves, that is how we progress.  Good luck.

  2. Does anyone have the expertise to answer this question? But there seem to be a lot of assumptions in the initial proposition; who says the universe is enclosed in a bag? It would seem feasible if the assumptions are correct :S

  3. us trying to understand if/when when the universe will collapse is like a fly in the nevada desert trying to understand when the next atomic blast test will be

  4. ummm, I think you need to educate yourself on cosmology and basic physics. Your theory doesn't make much sense considering, well, there is no "bag" around the universe and the parallel universe theory is a bit weird. So no, not possible.

  5. Not really. The parallel universe theory is a bit whack.

  6. The Big bang Theory, the String theory and whatever theory you can think of are only ideas given by those employed to find answers. What about the theory of reality, how do we know that we exist?

    Take out all matter including dark matter from the known universe and transfer your mind (not your body) into this cosmos of nothing and try to navigate back to reality. Would you succeed? reality is the clue to the secrets of the universe but who is asking the right questions? The truth is; unless we do consider reality as a way forward then it is unlikely we will go much further.

    If you can't understand me your not alone because of the complexity of the question I to am having trouble getting my head round it to but never the less reality is something that goes beyond either the big bang or the string theory.

    ATB Red

  7. I agree with Scottyy. Who told you that universe is enclosed in a bag and it is becoming thinner?

    Its only an idea that parallel universe exist

  8. ahhh but what was ther b4 the big bang? what/who created it? and what/who created the creator, and so on and so forth...

  9. That the universe is expanding is a reasonable assumption based on observation. We can't assume any of your other points.

  10. The parallel universe theory is very plausible:

    however it would have nothing to do with thinness of our own universe.

    Your argument is based on the assumption that space time points exist and that they are being stretched thin, but relativity shows that this is not true:

    so basically i would say no. what is plausible however is that there could be a 'big crunch' where everything falls back together again, under its own gravitational weight, however it is believed that we do not live in a universe like this and that we will continue to expand forever. This would not mean that we all get thinner as expansion is only really important on large scales. there would be no difference to us except that the starts would slowly go out as the space and time between them and us expands. (think of us as being unexpandable objects sitting on a balloon that is being blown up). the fact that we wont have a big crunch is believed to be due to quantum fluctuations:

  11. Yes this is a possible scenario (notice the correct spelling) however as this isn't testable it is somewhat meaningless.

  12. If I were you I would spend less time pondering the imponderable and more time brushing up on your spelling - the word is scenario.

  13. I think you're refering to the 'chaotic inflation'theory.The Chaotic Inflation theory, is a variety of the Inflationary universe model, which is itself an outgrowth (or extension) of the Big bang theory. Chaotic Inflation, proposed by physicist Andrei Linde, models our universe as one of many that grew as part of a multiverse owing to a vacuum that had not decayed to its ground state. In this theory, the peaks in the evolution of a scalar field (determining the energy of the vacuum) correspond to regions of rapid inflation which dominate, creating "bubble universes," making the structure of space fractal on the very largest scales, likely at scales larger than the observable universe. Chaotic Inflation (along with some other types of inflation) is usually a sub-class of eternal inflation, since the expansion of the inflationary peaks exhibit positive feedback and come to dominate the large scale dynamics of the universe. Alan Guth's 2007 paper, Eternal inflation and its implications details what is now known on the subject, and demonstrates that this particular flavor of Inflationary universe theory is relatively current, or is still considered viable, more than 20 years after its inception.

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