
Big brother gifts?

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For my baby shower, I'd like to get my son that is 4 1/2 a present to open also, he already has a big brother tshirt.... have any ideas of what I could get him?




  1. hah!

  2. There a bunch of great Big Brother books out there.

  3. mine is 4 in oct and our baby is due in 4 weeks

    we got him,

    a tee and a balloon that says im a big brother

    and a pack of cars and a pack of jets from toysrus...

    he loves planes lol

    we told him there from his baby sister cause shes so excited to see him...

    look at

    they have great stuff

  4. You could get him a book about being a big brother and maybe so it's more about him and not the baby something you know he likes... My oldest got a t-shirt, a book, and a Thomas train. In my circle of friends we always bring a gift for the baby and a little something for the siblings. Nothing major just a "we still think you're great too gift"

    I also let my son pick out a gift for the baby that he got to bring to the hospital when he came to see his new brother. He felt very grown up:)

  5. I have a younger neighbor who *loves* Rescue Heros.

    But I agree, the son would feel bad about seeing all the presents and none of them are for him...

  6. My son was 5 when I had my second.

    Someone got him this book called "Barfburger baby, I was here first!"

    He loved it!  It's about a big brother getting a little brother, didn't like it at first, but then he realized he loved it!
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