
Big bucks for real love spell?

by  |  earlier

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do you know how to do love spells i will pay big big money IF IT WORKS?

i need a love spell if it works i want to kno i will pay any amount of money givin it works for a real love spell please help me




  1. It's been said that if you cast a spell, you'll receive it back 10x10x10.  So let's say you did cast a love spell, and this guy ends up "loving" you... you'll love him many times more... so in the end, you'll still get screwed.  Don't play with that stuff.

  2. . Look up love spells on the internet and research until you find the sight that does the kind of spell that you are looking for, that sounds reasonable. There are many. Do not pay more than about $20 for one or then I would say your getting ripped. I cant remember the sight where I purchased one a few years ago, but it was to bring my lover back. We had a bad breakup and he wasnt coming. The spell was to work within 14 days . It worked and he came back during the time. Whether it was from the spell or he just did I dont know but it was beleivable. I eventually told him about it. We didnt stay together so it didnt do harm other than to prolong the bad relationship. I do agree that you shouldnt mess with anothers free will tho. In my case, he was an *** anyway and I wasnt done with him yet , lol

  3. you need the following for a love spell:

    1 permanent black marker

    1 large paper bag (not plastic)

    1 apple

    1 onion

    You do the following:

    You cut the apple in wedges and the onion into slices.

    You write the name of your desired love on the bag. You then put the bag on your head and eat some onion.  Spin around 10 times and then take the bag off your head and eat the apple.

    If you get sick your love spell worked.

  4. Even if they did work, spells are WRONG.  

    Do not mess with another person's free will.  How would you feel if the ugliest guy in the world put a love spell on you??  I'm not saying you're ugly, I'm just proving a point.  

    It's a sick thing to MAKE someone fall in love with you just because you really like them.  It's an incredibly selfish thing.  You need to move on if he doesn't like you.

  5. Hi. I actually perform Wiccan love/attraction spells. My advice to you would be to see if you can find someone in your area that performs actual Wiccan spells. I have been casting them for people locally for a long time and the success rate has been fantastic, though never guaranteed. I offer them at my ebay store,

    Though, you may feel more comfortable finding someone nearby, so you can make sure it's authentic. An actual Wiccan love spell takes at least a couple hours to cast just so you know what to actually look for!

  6. oh my god you guys are actually serious!!

  7. learn how to hold start with an erection in the morning and make and break and have an ejaculation  only after midnite 4 a start,

    how will u pay me if yr satisfied?

  8. Hmm It depends on what you want to achieve with the spell.

    There are spells that enhance your attractiveness, and sense of wellness, puts you in the right thought track for the universal law of attraction to take place. And they're kind of neutral spells that harm no one; it Only enhances you.

    And then there are spells that requires subjugating someone else; and this type of spells are ethically wrong, because you wouldn't want someone to take your free will to choose to be there or with someone else, right? So using this type of spell on someone would be wrong, wouldn't it?

    Money's not my kind of Stimulation.


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