
Big business and the Earth.?

by Guest45214  |  earlier

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Every time Im here I see alot of pep's knocking big business. Alot of big business's give as much as they take? or do they?


Although water is one of Earth's most plentiful natural resources, less than 1 percent is available fresh water. Today, over 1 billion people lack adequate access to safe drinking water, and degradation of freshwater habitats threatens wildlife, plants, and the ecosystems that people and nature depend on for survival. WWF and the Coca-Cola Company have launched an unprecedented partnership that aims to help alleviate the world's freshwater crisis, improve the company's water efficiency and energy usage, and conserve seven of the world's most important river basins. Coca-Cola is the world's largest beverage company and a major user of freshwater, with bottling plants that require more than 79 billion gallons of water each year for production of its beverages. Trillions more are used to produce ingredients, packaging, etc., for Coca-Cola products. "We're focusing on water because it's where the Coca-Cola Company and WWF can have a real and positive impact," says Neville Isdell, Coca-Cola's CEO. "Our goal is to replace every drop of water we use in our beverages and their production." Learn more about the meaningful and large-scale goals of this multi-year initiative.




  1. This really is a two sided question, sure coca-cola is gonna protect the water that THEY need but what about all the fumes and dirty smoke that come out of the factory chimneys and pollute our air, our most vital resource, also those same plants are quick to dump there trach in other smaller lakes and ponds that are unused, and with a generous donation to the town for something like school funding there able to keep doing it.

  2. Some big business is just plain wrong like loging companies. But others do as much as posible to help like recyle metal scraps to use again. But most take more than they give.


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