
Big butt, so....what?

by  |  earlier

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i dont know. Do you?




  1. Baby got back. =]

  2. I do know. You are correct about big butt but your clearly missing the so what. Well, you see, so what is that ninja. And of course you must wiggle the ninja with you eyeball, and then bite your eyeball. Then, once you discover that your toilet is following you, look in the mirror, and watch how it just sits there like a creepy little object in the corner, your stalking toilet. (omg its right behind you) And Mr. Gell X. Horse will find your mom in 2 days in order to get his voice back so he can say "go rice, BOO CHAIRS! i hate chairs. Thank you, goodnight.

  3. It is a long time since King Arthur said," Prithy what wind through yonder buttock breaks?" but he was right. Most Nubian quonces take time off for pair up the terragons of Thule, which as many Ayrians know is not where it is held to be in legend.

    However quilled underpinning has always be fashionable with the Whimbrel set, so if you must, then there are many who will agree.

  4. *  Steatopygea.  Gotta love it.  Look it up.

  5. some men like to hold the soft big butts
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