
Big butts?

by  |  earlier

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apple bums? Goose Bums? or nice rounded bottoms? which do you guys prefer and yes this is about horses.

i like the QH apple bum personally




  1. Definitely NOT halter horse butts...look totally deformed.  Or more like saggy skin under an arm....I day is coming...but I still don't like it.

    I like a quarter horse...the old foundation bulldog type.

    Although that goofy appy we own has a nice hip

    BTW...are you at death's door yet??  hee hee, reading your 'sources.'

    **EDIT...ooooo look!!  I have a troll!!  Makes me feel special that someone thinks enough of me to follow me around and 'rate' me!!  *immature brats*

  2. Goose butt

    Fave horse = Fave butt !!

    (unflattering pic )

    Dubie - hows that for a big butt ?

  3. Rounded but with defined muscle.

  4. I like a nice round booty with some muscle definition. ;) lol.

  5. Apple Booty

  6. In my opinion you just can't beat the good old QH butt.  I mean the real QH butt, foundation type, eye candy to the dyed in the wool horse fancier.

  7. quarter horse bums are cute.

  8. I like big butts and I cannot lie.

    On horses.  On myself- O; to be buttless, the jeans I could wear.

  9. i love trooper

    and his apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur

  10. Wow u really must be bored to death or that mono has really got u .....Rating almost makes me laugh. I will go with the Apple booty on a AQHA.

  11. I'm not too fond of the apple bums on the QHs, myself...they always look mismatched to me.

    I think draft horse rumps are adorable, though.  (Yeah, I know, they are like QH rumps on steriods...but everything on a draft is supersized, so it's endearing on them.)  :)

    ...This is a question that only a hose person can look at and not think, "What in the WORLD are these sickos TALKING about?"  lol

    EDIT:  Haha dubie, you have Sir Mix-A-Lot stuck in your head now, too?

  12. As far as athletic performance an apple bottom has the most power, with that great drop in the croup for a horse that can really get back on his hindquarters.

  13. I have a 5 week old filly here with the roundest lil butt cheeks you ever saw. She's 3/4 Arab, 1/4 Quarter Horse. The Arab/QH cross we produce have all got nice box butts- wide, round where they should be and strong. Have seen some halter QH's butts which look so wrong. Like pig bottoms, hams if you will. Ham butt halter horses. Apple butts are pretty. Scrawny butts could use a pair of equine boxer shorts to help beautify some pitifully lacking real estate.

  14. actually now that i think about it, i would have to say the apple bum on that qh

  15. i like the kind of  rounded bottoms ..... of course " hourses"

  16. I looked &  looked I can't find a good picture of a Morgans heart shape butt!!!!!!! But the top horse in the  link, you get the idea with that picture! One of my fav horses!!!!! Beautiful!!!!!! GREAT question!!!!! LOL

  17. I've ALWAYS been a sucker for a nice QH bum!  My 19 yr old Azteca (QH and Andalusian) looks like an old style QH but moves like his Andalusian sire.  I LOVE to watch his tush when he's working in the round pen or on a lunge line.

    My little 2 mo old AQHA filly has the cutest tush!  You know she's a QH by her tushy!
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