
Big changes for my little boy?

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Okay I am a mother of 1 - my son is 5 years old and I am expecting a baby ( today) is my due date...

I was woundering if I've put to much on my son - we recently moved to a bigger house, my son will be going to kindergarten soon, and we're expecting a baby anytime now. All these changes has somewhat stressed my child out - first when we moved he started pee'in ing bed, last week he started crying at preschool to his teacher that "mommy is going to die when the baby comes out - doctor is going to cut open my belly" I had to explain to him that "mommy has a specail hole and doctors knows what they are doing" now with the school - he is very attach to his teachers and i am worried - how this change is going to effect him. When we moved - there isnt no kids from his previous daycare so im scared how well he will adjust. Should I be worried? is there a talk I should have with him? how would i be the best parent to him on this?




  1. it is quite a big change but here is what you do. so first ask him if it is to much for him. Then tell him all the great things going on. Then see what happens

  2. Kids go through this all the time. No need to be worried.

    Just tell him everythings all right and hes soon going to be a big brother. Comfort comfort comfort is all I have to say.

  3. This is perfectly normal.

    make sure you make him feel important when the baby comes, like you really need his help.the talk you should have with him is, that you really need his help and you cant do it without him. Tell him that you are not going to die and you love him very much. Kids during this time can be very clingy.

    When he goes to kindergarden the teachers will anounce him and all the probably some of the kids wont have any friends to, so tell him when he goes to kindergarden "this means that your a super big boy and you need to be strong for mommy and if you see anybody who doesnt have anybody to play with, ask them."You need to tell him that he is a super big boy and he needs to be strong so you can be strong. Asure him that you will not forget about him. He needs support from both of his parents. Spend alot of time with him before the baby comes. The talk his PARENTS need to have with him is to asure him that you are going to be fine and he is needed very badly to help with the baby.

    Hope i helped and good luck with the children.

  4. Looks like you've got a lot on your hands. For the "mommy's gonna die" part, tell him that the baby has a special hole that it is meant to come out of (just like you just did.) Tell him that the baby will love to have an older brother like him. Encourage him by saying things like, "the baby's going to love it here because your such a cute, great kid! I love you no matter what. Do you love me?" Spend some time with him talking and doing something like coloring. I suggest that your mother or someone close to you can look over your child while you are busy with your "baby/ mother business". For the wetting the bed, make sure he goes to the potty before going to bed, but other than that, tuck him into bed. Tell him how much you love him and care for him and there's nothing to worry about.

    Before putting him off to school, tell him to stay strong and that you love him & for him to have a good day. If you are worried about him being alone in daycare, write a note to the adult that is looking over your child. Tell the adult that you wish for your child to become a little more social and its been hard for him. I'm sure they will understand. He might not get better all in one, but if this seems not to help at all, I suggest seeing a guidance cousenlor to help him get over this.

    Good Luck, Hope I helped..P.S. Best wishes for you, your son, and your newborn!

  5. ive experienced kinda the same thing. my middle daughter turned 2 about a month before i gave birth to our 3rd daughter. she was almost potty trained, when the baby came along she completely stopped. shes almost 3 now and still no success. kids like to feel like they are the center of attention and having another sibling interferes. i explained to both of my kids that i would be just fine and that the doctor was going to take the baby out of my belly and then they would have a new baby to help mommy with if they wanted to. they love helping and it makes them feel like a part of everything again. as for the moving, i think it will take him some time to adjust. just let his teacher know how things have changed and have affected him and maybe she will be helpful at school too. i hope all works out for you and congrats on the new one. i hope your labor goes good.

  6. It's going to hard for him, but there's nothing you can do to change any of these things either.  Sinc eyou're in a hew house, I'd let him decide how to do his room.  Let him be creative with it and help in the process or painting, shopping, etc.  Make sure you talk w/ his kindergarten teacher and you can take him to school before it starts to tour the building, etc. so he can get used to it and it won't be so new.  It will be hard with a new baby, but try to get friends with some of the other moms so he has a better chance of making friends w/ their kids- and maybe some playdates outside of school.  After your baby is born, I would take turns with you and your husband in taking him somewhere just with him.  We did this w/ my older daughter and it worked great.  She got alone time with us and we got to connect with her.  It's a way of showing him you still care about him and what he needs.

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