
Big church, little crowd?

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Wow, a lot of questions from me today.

Okay! Again, I have about 20 guests, and the only venue open for me to use is my Catholic Church. (Having a nuptial mass there.... see other questions!) The thing is... it is big! It has at least 40 pews (4 rows of about 10 pews) that seat about 6-8 people comfortably. Anything I can do to make it look a little less silly? People will probably sit as close as they can, but it will still look odd. Please! any ideas? thanks




  1. Does your church have a chapel?  If so, it would be a better option than the sanctuary.  You could also consider having the ceremony on the church grounds (a wide hallway, in the garden, fellowship area, etc) somewhere rather than in the sanctuary which might dwarf your wedding.  Final option could be to have the photographer sit up close and not get a lot of shots all around the church that could look goofy.

  2. Just don't worry about it. Put pew bows or markers on just the first several pews near the front.

    My nieces got married in our home cathedral, so had this same problem - honestly, it's fine.

    One thing you can do, though, is talk to your photographer so he can watch he doesn't get shots with all those empty pews behind the action - hope you know what I mean.  

  3. Hi.  Don't worry about it.  Your church is really pretty.  Maybe get a large vase of flowers for each side of the altar....or a couple of flowering plants for the lower steps.  There really is no need to worry about it.

    Once everyone is seated, people will be watching you.  I don't like the idea of a bow on the end of the pews unless you do it to all the pews.  I think it takes away from the beauty of the church.  Just leave it be with the exception of some flowers.

    My son and daughter-in-law were married in our Catholic Church.  It is HUGE!  It holds about 350 people along with a big choir loft and there were only about 75 people there.  It was one cares.

    Just make sure everyone knows to sit up front.  You don't want 2 here and 3 there with such a small group.

  4. Its going to look great no matter how many people are there.

    What matters is you are surrounded by people you both care about.

    Think about all those movies with HUGE churches and little weddings.  It looks fine.

      Nobody is going to be worried about the empty pews they will be looking at you.

  5. rope off the additional pews you will not need with ribbon or streamers so people sit up front

  6. Decorate the borders and outskirts. Place flower petals on the other pews that will not be occupied.  Have white streamers go down the aisle to the area that will seat people, blocking off the surplus pews.  Congrats!!  Good Luck!!

  7. Try to close in the area with some tall flower arrangements behind where the people are sitting or drape with organza to make it more cozy and romantic

  8. Spring for lavish decorations on the maybe four pews on each side of the very center aisle that you'll be using and nothing for the rest, and have your usher(s) seat people in only those pews. That will make it all more intimate. Have the processional go faster than usual until you get to say pew six so that people will not be turned around watching for fifteen minutes (okay I am exaggerating) while the wedding party walks all the way from the back.

    Can you drape white over some of the stuff in the front to make the very center near the altar a more prominent focal point?

    It will work out fine. Don't worry. Have a terrific wedding and awesome MARRIAGE.

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