Last winter some cockroaches got into our kitchen door, and they started reproducing and constantly came out, especially in the evening. You can't go into the kitchen without seeing at least one giant cockroach on the floor, and little baby cockroaches on the counters, stovetops, under the fridge, everywhere!
Now that it's summer, the cockroaches have dwindled but they still manage to barely survive. I see them crawl out around midnight every night. And now that summer's ending, I'm getting really worried they'll multiply again! I'm NOT going to go through another winter with giant cockroaches crawling around in the kitchen and the walls and traveling to our bathroom and bedrooms. And I'm the one doing all the of the killing and I'm tired of it.
I use bug spray and it kills instantly, but it doesn't kill all of them.My sister doesn't want to exterminate the kitchen, either. So what do I do??? Please help! I'm getting desperate!