
Big deal outta nothing?

by  |  earlier

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I just came from the grocery store and when I went to check out the cashier was seemingly friendly to the guy ahead of me..but when it came to me hi, hello..nothing. Anyhow she did have an attitude .so meanwhile my husbands grandma call ..I answer and I get her off the phone anyway she doesnt ask for my rewards card or anything like she is supposed to ..and during her 'tude she rings up another ladies stuff in with mine . I politely tell her that not mine..she gets frustrated and tries to void per line item. cant do that so she calls the manager over. he voids it and when he leaves she goes on to tell other people how stupid some of her customers were today and how much she cant wait to get off at when she re rings my things.. she bruises my fruit and had my grapes halfway out of my bag which I did not see until I got home. I think that she was totally my question is should I tell her manager on her..or let it go? I want to just pray for her.




  1. Tell her manager...if she does it to someone else they might feel really hurt by it and not take it as well as you can pray for her too.

  2. Since you aren't in the store anymore, you gotta just let it go and yes, pray for her. (she is taking all that attitude home to somebody! glad it ain't me! lol)

    Next time you can say "Seems like you are having a bad day" to make it known to her that you pick up on her bad attitude. It doesn't hurt to say it in front of the manager so that he will know that customers notice her bad attitude as well.

  3. I think this probably  warrants a chat with the manager.  He does not want his customers treated rudely, so he will want to have a talk with her.  

    You sound like a kind person, but it sounds like she may need a lesson in customer service from her boss.

    Don't make a big deal out of it, just bring your receipt with her info so they can Identify the right person with you and suggest that the customer service was not the usual good service you  have come to expect from  the store.

  4. I would simply suggest you just pray for her. Yes, you could tell the manager on her and that would be helpful, but the thing is, some managers won't care and will put on a dog and pony show for you about how sorry they are, then just turn around and forget all about it. Largely depends on the manager themself.

    I know because a friend of mine worked at a grocery store and she had attitude too (I know, shame on her!). A lot of people complained but her manager didn't care, didn't even address the issue.

    Just pray for this lass.

  5. The first thing to do is pray for her. Secondly, before you talk to her manager, try using her checkout line again. Some people are just hateful, but everyone has a bad day every now and  then. If she has the same nasty attitude, then you should talk to her manager. When this happens to me, I try not to take it personal. I can guarantee her real problem has nothing to do with you or your grapes. God Bless.

  6. check to see if you're not being the one with the 'tude. If not, then make pointed comments that are clever, yet rude..and funny at the same time (to someone listening). No body has the cause to be rude to a customer! Don't let them get away with it at the time its bother w/ the manager later is pointless.

  7. You've had a bad day before, haven't you?  It sounds like this woman had a bad day and you unfortunately got the brunt of it.

    Don't sweat the small stuff.  I don't like it when people are rude to me either--I don't think anyone does.  If you're like me, if it so happens that you're having a good day, then just let it go.  But if you're having a bad day too and it's the straw that breaks the camel's back--then report it to her manager if it makes you feel better.

  8. I think you should tell the manager; he/she has a right to know because it's bad for buisiness and for other customers. But, customer service isn't what it used to be anywhere, some of the managers are just as bad. Sometimes it seems like the employees are there just to socialize with each other and the customer are a nuicence, and it looks like they don't care if you come back again or not. Maybe stores are making more on one time customers now, and aren't worried about having regular customers; it depends on the area I guess. Where I live you never see the same person twice, but it's not reason to be rude.

  9. I'd let it go, life's too short.  Pray for her and move on to your happier life.  

    While it's frustrating, we don't know what she'd dealing with.  If you get her fired, you'll feel badly about it.  Leave it alone and let her think about how she's treated her customers today.

  10. Tell the manager.  Also write a letter to the customer service department about the incident.  However, you shouldn't have answered your phone.  You should have hit the mute button and answered it outside.

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