
Big decision?

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i'm asking to only those who actually know wut they're talking about whether homeschooling is a better choice than public schooling these days. i've been given the choice whether i want to be homeschooled or not and needing to get away from a school that isn't all that great is wut my parents have had in mind. has anyone been homeschooled out there and have actually enjoyed it and gotten involved w/ things? thanx




  1. Well i myself went through the same decision about 5 months ago and your situation sounds exactly like mine. I live in a small town and the school is absolutley horrorable. So i was handed the question of homeschooling? But as being a very active student in sport and everything else the choice was certainly hard. So i gave it a thought and finely concluded to go ahead and try it. I now must say that i abosuletly love it! i can do the work when ever and since my Family owns a large buisness i work in my down time. So since your situation is close to mine then i would defintly give it a shot. Well hope it helps.

  2. Like any choice, whether it's right for you or not is up to you.

    However, I can tell you that my son loves homeschooling (he's in 6th, been homeschooled by choice since 1st).  He's involved in a ton of things, enjoys having more of a say over his schedule and coursework, and has a lot of friends (public, private, and homeschool).  We don't go out of our way to get involved in a ton of things, but he picks and chooses what he'd like to do.  He's involved in sports, Scouts, co op, playdays at parks and friends houses, and private lessons.  He also has more freedom to take off and hang out with neighborhood kids, since he's done with school (including all schoolwork/homework) by the time they get out of school.

    I also teach middle and high school classes at our co op, so I've gotten to know and work with several high school students.  The only one I know (out of several dozen) that has considered going to public school is doing so because he competes in one of the few sports in our state that doesn't allow homeschooled kids to compete at state.  The others that I know are involved in a ton of things of their own choosing - competitive sports, professional shadowing/mentoring programs, college at 16, etc.  Pretty much all of them have the choice to go to public school, and all of them (except possibly the one above) have chosen each year to stay in homeschooling.

    Homeschooling does take motivation and the ability to keep yourself accountable.  If you're able to do this, homeschooling may be a really good opportunity for you.  Some kids really need the structure and competition of a classroom in order to achieve, but if you're in a school that's not so great anyway, homeschooling may be a good choice.

    Hope that helps :)

  3. Homeschooling is the right decision for you if you and your parents can negotiate a plan that will suit the three of you, and state expectations. If you all agree on what subjects to study, what resources will be suitable for you and how much time to devote to them each day, you'll be fine. It will take a while for you to get your stride, but once teething problems have been worked out, it'll be quite ok.

    If you stay at home all day and have no life, it's not homeschooling's fault. It's yours for not going out, or your parents for not letting you.

  4. I am homeschooled well it is more of an online school.  I like it and you can meet with your teachers on online chats totally cool. I love the freedom the most and i learn how to use my time aroud school and my scoial life. Check out my school at .

  5. I think it's a great idea.

    I was homeschooled sence I was 14, I had little academic background but I did get a lot of church/sport socialization in but it wasn't enough, I was a social r****d, withdrawn and shy. To make a long story short I went to public school for the first time this year as a 9th grader not knowing anyone. I had a heck of a time trying to fit on. To say the least I'm so much more social and happy now, I feel so confident and not maladjusted I learned so much academically and socially. Don't get me wrong I got made fun of, left out, called a geek and a nerd but it just made me a stronger person, believe me becoming cool is not hard. It takes work and determination but if you try hard enough you can excel. Email me at anytime for any more help or advice! One last thing, do what ever is right for you but dont not do something because you dont feel like you can do it.

  6. As in all things, there are pluses and minuses to homeschooling. Whether it is a good choice for you is difficult to answer. Some things to consider:

    1. What kind of homeschooling are you talking about? Are you looking at an online high school or something more traditionally like homeschooling.

    2. Who will be your support system? Many of us, including me, need someone to help keep us on track.

    3. How much of your social life revolves around your public school?

    4. What do your friends think about you homeschooling?

    5. What do you think about not going to school with your friends?

    6. Are you self-motivated?

    And so on. I think you get the idea.

  7. We started homeschooling when son was in 8th grade.

    He does not want to go back to public school.

    He has friends who are in  public school, homeschool and private school.   He has more time for friendships when all of his schoolwork is homework instead of sitting in class for hours and then coming home to hours of homework where he tried to learn what he was supposed to learn in school.

    I'll answer for him.  He enjoys it and is very involved with sports and friends.
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