
Big east football question?

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which teams do you expect to be the strongest out of the big east?why?

and how does the big east fair against other conferences?




  1. Your best bet for the Big East this season is once again to go with the Mountaineers. Pat White is back, not to mention that Noel Devine could be a great tailback. Now, the defense did lose some punch, but that's not to say it will be terrible.

    South Florida could also be the next big thing in the Big East. QB Matt Grothe is potentially the number 2 QB in the Big East behind White, and George Selvie at DE could be a first round pick either this year or the next.

    Pitt also looks pretty good, provided that Bill Stull shows some stability at QB. LeSean McCoy is one of the top 5 RB's in the nation, and the defense should be great, as it finished top 10 last year, and most of the defense returns.

    Realistically, the Big East, (as much as those of us that love the Big East hate to admit) is still at, or near the bottom of the BCS conferences. I think if evenly matched could give the ACC, or the PAC 10 a push, but the Big 12 got better, the SEC is still a monster, and the Big 10 is pretty top heavy.

  2. West Virginia would be the most pick when you ask that question but I dont see it that way. Louisville and Pittsburgh are still in rebuildin mode and dont look to be impact teams this season.Rutgers and Connecticut look to have good seasons but dont see any of them winnin the big east.USF though has to come in mind.There defense was on top of it last year and it should be worst but even better this year.The offense was there weakiest link last season but is the most improved coming into this year.They start the year ranked 19th for the first time in history and could be a big threat to other teams.The conference is still considered weaker than all the other bcs conferences but Oklahoma and Auburn both found out last year that the big east is much stronger than it looks.offensive fire and defensive struggle they found that out.

  3. i live in wv, but i have to correct phelps phan - the big 12 is the second best conference this year.  now, i have wvu going 11-1.  south fla going 11-1.  pitt, uconn and rutgers making a bowl.

  4. The big east is the second best conference because the SEC is amazing. My favorite team WVU will blow out the competition. Oh wait its the Big East there is no other competition but WVU. LOL

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