
Big foot Georgia hoax or real ?

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Georgia big foot ( the latest one where there is a picture of big foot in a freezer ) what do you think hoax or real




  1. I am certain it is another hoax.

  2. hoax for sure. but they're already cashing in on it--i drove by a flea market near my town and there was a big sign that said "get your bigfoot maps here".  

  3. Hoax...only DNA they found was human and opossom.  Of course they are claiming it is from what Bigfoot ate.  BUT if they took a DNA test from the inside of it stomach it would still have DNA from "bigfoot" as well as from what it ate.

  4. a hoax.they are in it for the money.

  5. Yeah. The two guys that "found" the corpse have already been caught once in another Bigfoot hoax awhile back. I also heard with this one they did an interview with a "scientist" who said it was definitely a Bigfoot. Then later they said that the "scientist" was one of the guys brother and that they were just having some fun. They're a couple of morons who are trying to make a buck off of it. I guess they've even started guiding "Bigfoot hunts" in the same area they "found" the carcass.

  6. Lucy you have some splaining to do......

    It was a hoax, check out

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