
Big major descion and i don't know what to do?

by  |  earlier

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I'm about to leave school ive done an extra year and i want a challenge and i accept that i will have to start at the bottom and work myself up but I'm prepared to do that however I'm not sure on how i go about getting a job. Ive checked several job websites but would it be better sending my CV to local finance and engineering firms? Help me i don't know what to do, how did you get your first job?

Thank - You.




  1. Do everything - check the newspaper, look at online job sites, talk with placement firms, be willing to take a temp position and prove to the company you s/b hired full time.  But realize that almost 80% of new jobs are the result of someone knowing you - it's called networking.  Nothing is more important than people in your chosen field knowing who you are.  At this point maybe all you have is good grades, or some part time experience, but what you should do is start attending meetings, charity work, etc., of professional groups & organizations of people that have the types of jobs you're looking for.  Go to the meeting early and walk around introducing yourself to people, exchange business cards (yes, get some for yourself), ask them about themselves and then tell them about you and what you want to do.  Stay after the meeting ends and continue to do the same thing.  Do this for a while and you'll start to get noticed and get calls about possible employment opportunities.

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