
Big power bill?

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My power bill is an average of $170 a month.

My boyfriend and I live in a small two bedroom home. We don't have heating (we use a portable gas heater), we don't have a washing machine, clothes drier or anything flash like that.

We take average length showers once each day and do not have baths.

I am constantly making the effort to check all appliances are turned off at the wall when not in use and same with lights.

My friends have larger houses with more people and have washing machines, electric blankets etc and their powerbills are still cheaper than mine.




  1. have the electric company check your meter also try turning every thing of in your house and see if your meter is still turning you will have to turn off all circuit breakers or your main breaker if house has one

  2. Using and AC?  If so insulation may be the culprit.

    Some houses are built using little insulation to save money, most higher end houses are well insulated.

    Air conditioning units use as much electricity or more than any other appliance.

    Also, are you using the same elec. co. as your friends?

  3. ~~I would turn off all of your breakers, and if that meter keeps turning you know it's broken! If it does not, then call out the utility company-there still has to be something wrong. You are paying way too much for what you have. Good luck on finding the problem, I feel for ya!~~
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