
Big problem but i can't figure out what to do!!?

by  |  earlier

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Well my brother has alot of stuff that i don't have and i want to play them like xbox live and other stuff.

So i don't have to pay for them he haves me play this online game but it gets me in alot of troubles...

1) When i play on the computer the whole day it makes me get a headache and i puke.

2) i get introube A LOT for it

AND hes always saying that my progress is never good which makes me play some more.... and he's always saying he'll give me stuf for it like money but then he doesn't.

I'm thinking of quitting but that means i don't get to play xbox live with my friends ever and thats probably the only thing that keeps me busy when i have nothing to do...

I can't decide so any1 have some good advice.. i can't find out what to do because he's very random when it comes to these things....




  1. talk to your parents

  2. Wow you sound to young for me to tell you what I really think. Good luck

  3. ok well i think u should ask if u can play on his x box and if hes says no then find something else to do. and if he gives u a online game to play on the computer and it makes u puke don't play it oh and don't play on it for so long rest for a while also. trust me my brother the same and also find something to do like read a book listen to music that sort of stuff.

    hope i helped


  5. lay world of warcraft

  6. Your brother is an a*****e tell him that an online girl said it named jess he should get offended and start getting mad. anyways tell your parents and cry and whine to them they should let you play for awhile expecially since you puke playing only on the comp.

  7. just go with the flow, play when you wunt, don't play when your not in the mood. simple.

  8. Stand on the porch once in a while, breath some fresh air, and all your troubles will disappear. Even try walking to the mail box, or around the corner. Let you brother drown himself in his gadgetary.

    Your headaches and puking problems will be resolved.

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