
Big problem in my group and I need serious help?

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My group is lymphland, and this website which is not mine is posting every single message we post inside our group on the site and they are not cutting and pasting it, it goes up there AS we post the message, how do I stop this and what happened? Our group is membership only and private details of the condition lymphedema. I wrote both yahoo and google which owns blogspot, how can I stop this immediately? How did someone do this to my group????




  1. I agree with crazy_mom2 .  I went to that website and noticed that the full email addresses display for everyone that posted to your group - ideal for spammer's lists. I scrolled down to the very bottom of that blog and saw what looks like scores for about three people with foreign sounding names. See if any of those names show in your member's list.

    If you do a search of your members list as she suggested, also look for someone whose email delivery is set for individual messages.  As active as your group is, I would think that your members more than likely would select Daily Digest to keep from flooding their mailboxes.  It would be easy for the egghead(s) to use a Yahoo or other free email address and have all messages forwarded to the blog.  

    I personally can type my screen name in a Google or Yahoo search engine and come up with gobs of messages I have posted to Yahoo groups, Yahoo Answers, and anywhere else on the internet not related to Yahoo - the thing is, they are showing up on different blog sites.  I do not participate in any blogs at all.     I sincerely hope you can find any answer to this terrible problem and invasion of privacy.

  2. *** the ID's at the bottom of the blog that moekittykitty mentioned are also bloggers that are part of your group. as you continue your tests, you must also click on those 3 bloggers on the bottom and be sure your posts have stopped there as well

    I take back what I posted prior- these are generated from their own mail- you could go in and reset each members settngs to no mail, and see who switches it back. start with lurkers whose never posted. the member doing this is on individual mail, traditional.

    go to your members list and search for '' or just blog. what happened is a member is sending your groups archives to their blog via RSS feed from their own mail. in order to immediately stop this, you have to locate and remove that member, and most times you're lucky if they're dumb enough to had used their blogger ID in a yahoo membership. most times, you'll have a hard time finding the member whose RSS feeding. you can search that blog for when your archives first started being posted, then look at your groups memberships and see if any became a member at that time.

    I'd also suggest no member to post until you get this stopped, or at least be very careful to what they post. if you find the person, send this abuse form to yahoo with the ID of the person. it is against Yahoo TOS to transfer posts from a group to any other site/person w/o permission of the poster

    on another note, there has been a rash of blogger addys joining yahoo groups- I have seen their attempts on many of my groups and their mainly from other countries than the USA. if you see one pending, don't approve them. if you find one in your groups membership, remove them.

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