
Big problem with kidney stone, 22 weeks pregnant?

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I started having this bad pain in my back. After different test they find out I have a kidney stone blocking in the path. They told me if I couldnt get it out they would have to perform an incision in the kidney and put a tube to take the pressure and stay with it until I give birth and get it surgically remove because the pain is causing contractions and stressing the baby. I really need advise in regard of getting rid of it. I heard about drinking 2 oz lemon with 2 oz olive oil. Also theres another one that is apple cider vinegar with honey drink a spoon following a glass of water. Which do you know is more effective. Im stress out about the situation. Please help.




  1. It is my understanding that it help if you watched your fat intake and no caffine and low sodium.

  2. You can pass kidney stones when you go to the bathroom. The thing to do is to find out information from another doctor if your present doctor is not giving you advice about what you can take to pass them.

  3. All I have to say is I am sorry.  really sorry and good luck bc you're gonna need it!

  4. ok my mom had a stone and i kno other ppl who have and all have passed it naturally. the key is to not eat any sort of hard minerally type things (sry im only a teen i dont kno the correct terms) like salt and calcium especially. i remember salt was the worst. and the biggest most helpful thing u can do is drink a ton of water and i mean TONS of it. just keep drinking and keep peeing. i cannot describe how much my mom drank and peed when she had one. of course dont do anything crazy like drink so much u drown urself; i kno ur in a tight situation but just keep positive, drink n pee, pee n drink and hopefully it'll pass.  

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