
Big time Baby Shower Question?

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I was wondering if I should ask someone to throw me a shower. This is my second pregnancy. I have a 14 month old son and now I am having twin boys.

I didn't get a baby shower with my son. And since I'm having twin boys I really do need one more of everything. So do you think I should ask someone to throw me a shower. (No one will do it without me begging them)

I really really really need to have a shower this time.

What should I do? I don't know if I can throw one for myself because dealing with a twin pregnancy and an infant is enough.

Welp like I said.. "What should I do?"




  1. I would ask someone who is close to you to do it...and hopefully they will understand that it is important to you...i asked my mom to throw me one and she and my sister agreed to but they ended up leaving all the work to me...which sucked...but at least everything was the way I wanted it to be. I didn't have to fix anyones mistakes cuz everything was the way i wanted maybe it would be easier to just do it yourself anyway.

  2. I Kind of agree that you shouldnt ask for one...i mean it would probably come off like you are just asking for people to buy you things. I know you need stuff but do you really want to beg?? Instead maybe you can borrow things from friends or family that has young kids but are done with their baby things.  

    I know you didnt get a shower the first time but did your family and friends still get your baby gifts?? Nobody is really obligated to buy anything for anybody and I think if you beg for a shower or throw one yourself you will just look greedy.

    Try you join your town and people list things they are giving away for free! Nothing ever costs anything you just have to go get it. You can also post things that you are looking for and people can respond to you if they have it and are willing to give it away!

  3. No.  Asking someone to throw you a shower, especially for a second pregnancy, is in poor taste.  It's not quite as bad as throwing yourself a shower (which is Rule #1), but it almost amounts to the same thing--"Please throw me a shower so that people can buy me presents."

    Showers are not an entitlement.  Yes, I realize you need things, but that isn't necessarily the responsibility of your family and friends to provide you with those things.

    If nobody offers to throw you one, then you don't have one.  I know it's not what you were hoping to hear, but throwing your own or begging someone else to do it for you is tacky.

  4. That's tough.  I think maybe suggest it to someone, but don't beg.  Good luck!  And sign up on freecycle, you might get something you desperately need.

  5. sounds like you need a baby shower! Ask your sister or your mom or your sister in law if they'll throw you a shower and tell them exactly what you told us... that you really need it! Good luck, I hope someone throws you one!

  6. If you didn't get one the first time around, you should definitely get one this time!  However you can't throw one for yourself without it really looking like a plea for gifts, and it isn't really polite to ask someone to throw one for you.  I know the mom isn't supposed to throw it - but maybe hint to your mom that you would like one, and maybe she will talk about it to one of your aunts, or a friend or something?  Otherwise ask a friend - tell her that you didn't get to have a shower with your first pregnancy and you feel like you missed out, maybe she will throw you one.  Good luck!

  7. just ask a close friend ot hint to her that you really need a baby shower.

  8. I would do an on-line registry and then ask a few friends if they could "help" you throw a baby shower that way you aren't doing it by yourself

  9. you can totally throw yourself one! find a few people to help you plan for it and go all out. espically if people know your having twins they should be more than willing to help out. congrats and good luck.

  10. I think if you feel you need one then ask a close friend or family member and also be sure to tell them your concern and why you feel you need to have a shower.  

  11. In your situation I would rather throw it myself than to ask someone else to do it. Doesnt have to be big. Just register for things you NEED not cute things you like. Ex diapers wipes, bottle, double stroller etc. and see how it goes. 3-4 hours should be enough. good luck

  12. I would never depend on anyone to do it. Throw it can make it real special and decorated just the way you want it. invite everyone special around will be showered with gifts!!! You can really work with very little money trust me....if you do want to ask your family for help ask them to help with food. My Food menu was potluck style from all my family and it worked out just fine....didnt spend money except on drinks, water, table clothes, cups and utensils since my uncle let us borrow tables and chairs...its possible to pull it off...good luck!!!!

  13. Do you have any really close friends you could hint to? Like say, "I never I got a shower the first time, is it bad to have one now?" And see if anyone offers. Or do you have a family member you can ask without having to beg? I didn't have a shower with the first 2, but I did with the last 2. It was very helpful. Mt friends from church threw the last 2.  

  14. You are definitely entitled to a baby shower especially since you never had one with your first child.  I wouldn't throw one myself though, that is tacky I've never heard of anyone doing that.  I would mention it to a close family member or a friend.  You shouldn't have to deal with the stress of planning your own shower.  If it is a close family member like your mother or a good friend I don't think it is inappropriate to ask at all, especially if it is your mother.  I definitely wouldn't  beg but just mention it. They should of had one for your first pregnancy, it's unfortunate that you didn't get to have a shower for your son.   I am pregnant and my mother and sister are planning my baby shower. It doesn't have to be anything crazy maybe you can have it at someone's house.

  15. Since you didn't get one with your first baby, it's OK to have one now.  However, I don't really know how you would go about asking someone to throw you one.  If someone asked me to throw them a baby shower or a bridal shower, I'd be a little put off.  Maybe just mention to a very close friend (although if they're that close, they would've thrown you one the first time around) that you would like to have a baby shower.

  16. No, don't ask anyone.  It is sad no one in your life has thought to do this on their own, but don't ask, have one yourself.  It is no different than "begging" as you said someone else to have one for you, but at least you don't have to do the begging.

  17. That's odd that no one threw you and shower for your first. But in my opinion you should only get one and since you never got one then, yes you should have one. Maybe there was a "reason" behind not having one with your son... you probably need this one more! Good Luck. Hope you get your shower this time!

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