
Bigfoot - Real or a myth?

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is there a 7 foot, 400 pound, hairy primate stalking the woods and swamps of the US? Do you believe?




  1. YES YES YES....

  2. ♥

    ' Big Foot ' is REAL.

  3. It is hard to say for sure, but there are too many unexplored places and credible reports to definitely say NO.  It would be neat if they do exist.  I keep an open mind on this subject.

  4. Yes. I say that only because there is so much of the world that has yet to be explored and people can't be everywhere at once. So who is to say beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are not creatures who have adapted over time to hide if need be? Look at all the other creatures in the world that people thought for ages were mythological and fantasy that turned out to be real. Why would Bigfoot (and his Himalayan relative the Yeti) be any different? Not to mention, how do you possibly explain away sightings that are incredibly similar in detail between two or more people on opposite sides of the globe who have no way whatsoever to communicate to the other?

  5. He's real. And he's big. And hairy. He'll be a celebrity when he's found.

  6. oh he's real...I saw him yesterday - or was that my cousin? I don't know, I get them confused...

  7. yupp

    if not the US, then theyre somewhere

  8. Duh he's real! He married the chupacabra, they had kids.

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