
Bigfoot is not real?

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I wouldn't have believed them in the first place. What do you think?




  1. I heard some radio guys mocking this out. How stupid these people are to try and pull off a hoax like that?  They said the teeth were so white and perfect they looked like Hollywood teeth.  

    I cannot say whether or not yeti, sasquatch, big foot is real or not as I have never seen one and there has never been any concrete proof either way.  I will keep an open mind.  One cannot truly say something does not exist just because they have not seen it. How arrogant humans are.  Species unknown to man are being found all the time.  Species that scientists say are extinct just because they have not seen one in ages are being found.  Sort of makes the scientists looks like fools doesn't it?

  2. I saw this on the front page of the newspaper and laughed.  Is this really what people care about.  

    If bigfoot is real, then so is The Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus and the Loch Ness Monster.

    Parents taught us growing up about these myths.  As we matured, we were taught that they were just that, myths.  Fairy tales to keep our imaginations alive.  

    An animal such as bigfoot would not have been able to survive this long without capture and study.  It would more than likely be extinct by now in the same nature of the dinosaurs.  

  3. Was there ever any doubt in our minds?  I think we knew that all along...publicity stunt for attention, another hoax!  

  4. I had a meeting with Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy,  the Great Pumpkin & the 3 other voices in my head that by a vote of 5 to 3 we decided that Big Foot is not real. If he would have made it to the meeting the results would have been different.

  5. Well, last week two guys reported that they found the body of bigfoot in the north Georgia mountains. (The U.S. Georgia). They held a conference last Friday so they could talk to some officials about it. I know it was a fake because first of all, they didn't even bring the body to the conference, and second of all, they admitted it was just a monkey suit. Who knows the purpose of why they did this, but now we know that bigfoot is infact, NOT real.  

  6. When the "creator" of bigfoot died, his family admitted that he was full of it.  This was a few years ago I believe.

  7. No I wouldn't, but this man was a bigfoot tracker, obviously desperate to find one.  

  8. No, it was a hoax. Read the article at Newser:

  9. didn;t beleive it for the start. though i dont doubt bigfoot can be real. i doubt someone could carry a 500 pound half beast half animal

  10. Had the reports been true, the government would have taken away the corpse long ago.

  11. What IS Bigfoot?

  12. Knew this was coming.

    there's no big foot.

    same as there's no aliens or ghosts.

    all hog-wash & a con.

  13. no, just like the fools that believe in the loch ness monster they are all dreamers and fools

  14. I'm sorry to say everyone already kne bigfoot wasn'treal.

    At least all intelligent people.

  15. So,how do they know it's got big feet ?

  16. As I always believed Bigfoot, Aliens, Flying Saucers are all hoax. Publicity ..... something to talked about every now and then.  

    And up to now, some people are still buying it. lol

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