
Bigfoot real or fake ?? ur opinion?

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Bigfoot real or fake ?? ur opinion?




  1. fake..although there are people in the world with really big feet!

  2. Probably fake, but who knows.

  3. My opinion i know they are basically the same thing yeti and big foot but i don't particuarly believe in big-foot because it wouldn't be how it is if it has not been found by humans it would have evolved to not be big and strong if it has no predetors it would lose size and probably the beable to be faster. yeti however is more believable because of its environment. you see waht i mean

  4. fAKE!

  5. real(:

  6. fake.

  7. I would say he's fake. I bet all those pics of him are fake too!

  8. could be real but not in north america.

  9. kidna belive its real

  10. Don't believe the people that tell Bigfoot is fake. They don't know what they're talking about and they cannot prove he's fake! I know for a fact Bigfoot exists! I seen it before!

  11. its fake,

  12. Real...looks like Barak Oblabm.

  13. He's obviously real. But the body they found was fake. I mean come on. Have you seen that thing? Here is the link to the CNN article.

    Now here is the costume they obviously used.

  14. Real.  There is no evidence to prove they dont exist, and please there is no way we can rule out any creature, we dont even know that much about our own planet.  

  15. fake

  16. It's fake.

  17. Fake - if it were real we'd have seen one by now

  18. The pile of faux fur in a freezer in Georgia?  Fake.

    Bigfoot/Yeti/Sasquatch in general?  Probably real, somewhere.  Maybe extinct by the time we find any actual evidence.

  19. The starter of the story copped to its being a hoax so I say fake.

  20. it freaked me out.

    im not too sure..

    but they did declair it a hoax today:


  21. i think its fake  

  22. Absolutely real... and I think Sasquatches are more widespread that we can imagine... but I also think they're intelligent enough to hide from human contact.

  23. All the pictures seem fake,

    though no one actually knows if it's real or not.

    For all we know it could of been real.

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