
Biggest Missuse of Talent ever commited by Vince Mcmahon ?

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I'll tell ya who they not only dropped the ball with but they threw him underneath the bus: Muhammad Hassan (Mark Magnus). I know he wasn't all the way there and not nowhere accomplished yet, but he had the gimmick down perfect and was drawing great heat. He could've been 1991 Sgt. Slaughter (who was traitor for Iraq) and had all the good guys come out and kick his ***.

What do they do? They ship him over to Smackdown. Over to the network that 6-12 year olds watch and they do a terrorist thing and carry Daivari out like a martyr? Then when the **** hits the fan, all they decide instead of a heartfelt apology for writing the bullshit, they just end his contract and Taker beats the **** out of him at the ppv?

If they did the angle on RAW it wouldn't have made a stir cause look at all the c**p they've done on there. It wouldn't have made a difference. Discuss




  1. Muhammad wouldn't have been released if the terrorist angle hadn't happened the day of the London bombings. Otherwise, it would be a tad controversial but otherwise Hassan would probably have stuck around.

    Biggest misuse, take a look at most of the guys who came over during the WCW/ECW invasion. Raven, Rhino, DDP, etc. Vader was also a HUGE misuse of talent, pun intended. Ultimo Dragon is another one, he was a tremendous wrestler who was never pushed above the cruiser division and is only probably known by WWE fans for tripping at WM20.

    Jamie Noble is currently the most misused, this is a guy who's one of the best wrestlers not only in the company, but in the world, and he barely gets on TV. He even had the chance to face Regal in what should have been a mat classic for the ages, instead becoming a two minute squash. And not only that, but he's even pretty decent on the mic too. Personally, I'd be happy if Noble just won a midcard title.

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