
Biggest commercial single pilot approved aircraft???

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Meaning not military.




  1. What do you mean?

  2. i think in the U.S.A. all commercial  airlines have two pilots just because if one dies you got the other... They cut  this  corner if they could

  3. If by "commercial" you mean airlines, seating more than 10 passengers, then none can be single-pilot.

    Some 'corporate' jets like certain Citation models can be flown single-pilot on non-commercial flights.

    Airlines like Cape Air fly the C402 single-pilot, but they operate under FAR 135 because they are less than 10 seats.

    Hope that answers your question. This all applies to the US only.

  4. It has nothing to do with being "commercial" or otherwise.  All civilian aircraft weighing 12,500 pounds or more must have two pilots aboard.

  5. If you're talking about aircraft used in a commercial setting... including freight... then it's probably the Beech 1900 followed closely by the Metroliner.  I fly freight in a SA-227 Metroliner single pilot... the max takeoff weight is 16,000 lbs.  I know the 1900 is a little bigger, I think somewhere in the 17,000 range although I'm unsure of the specifics.  

    For airline operations, however, both the 1900 and the SA-227 do require 2 pilots.  If configured for 9 occupants in a 135 setting or pt. 91 we can fly them single pilot with passengers... although I fly solely freight.

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