
Biggest decision yet!!:: Rio Ferdinand or John Terry ??

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  1. Captain Terry all the way!

  2. Looks ... John Terry

    Skill ... John Terry

    Sportsmanship ... John Terry

    Team ... mmm, difficult, can i say both equally?

  3. JT

    neither Rio is lazy and JT is a thug

    Rio JT is a thug


  4. looks = pass(i am a bloke!)

    skill = pass ( neither have any!)

    sportsman ship = rio (marginally!)

    team = they are both cack!(but i would take chelsea over manu any day!)

  5. terry




  6. Looks: Terry- Not that he's good looking, it's just that Rio looks like a frog on stilts.

    Skill: Rio- Terry's just a hard-man, Rio's the best passer, and has the best skill. He's the better "footballer", just Terry's a slightly better defender.

    Sportsmanship- Rio's had his pouts, but it's nothing compared to Terry! Terry's a vile, putrid piece of scum. His antics in the Champions' League final were disgraceful. Terry showed on that night what a horrible man he is, and how much he deserved to miss his pen.

    Team- Team-play, or plays in the best team? Because Rio plays in the best team, but Terry's the best team player. He's a better leader than Rio, even if he's not the most likable leader ever. You can't deny that he gets his teams sorted and leads from the front.

  7. John Terry for all four xx

  8. Terry is better in all

  9. looks-of course terry



    team-as in what? captain? we shall wait and see

  10. not answering in your silly way rio is the best man for the job full stop terry is to slow and cumbersome for the inter national game

  11. Looks: Terry, Rio is one ugly f**k

    Skill: Rio there isn't a centre back who is more confident on the ball

    Sportmanship: Rio might be grumpy sometimes, but John "I'll grab that card out of your hand ref, if you dare to book one of my players" Terry is vile!

    Team: not really sure what you mean, if you mean who's a better team player then they are very even, better leader for their team probably Terry, who plays for the better team obviously Rio he plays for the Champions!

  12. Terry.




  13. Terry coz tho Im a guy I cannot conceive how Rio wud b found hot when I know from people like u Audi that Terry is considered a Stud haha




  14. None - i think Gerrard should have been captain

  15. looks - terry

    skills - terry

    sportsmanship - ferdinand

    team - ferdinand

    both are equally as good.

  16. Terry is head and shoulders above ferdinand in all of these categories..

  17. no opinion

    rio, jt is just a hardman

    my knee jerk reaction again is rio

    again rio is more important to man utd, terry could be replaced by another hardman.

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