
Biggest news event in your life?

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What , in your lifetime , is the biggest news event, impact, you can remember?.




  1. When the ferry sank at Zeebrugge.  My eldest son had gone to Germany as a student  to attend a conference at one of the Unis.  As a student he went by ferry because it was cheapest.

    When we heard about the ferry I was absolutely and totally convinces he was on it. The rest of the family were just as sure he wasn't.  I was like a zombie, all weekend!  Frantic!!!!!

    He didn't ring us until Monday evening after the conference finished.  

    There I was yelling down the phone, "Where have you been?  Why haven't you phoned.'  etc etc.

    I can still hear him as he said."What ferry."

    He didn't speak German and had heard nothing about the disaster.

    That was the worst news report for me.  How people manage when they are really affected by tragic events I just don't know.

    Haz, this is for you and your post♡

  2. Jfk

    The Aberfan disaster

    Cuban crisis

    The Ibrox disaster(local)

    Watched the Hillsborough disaster unfold live.

    The N.Ireland peace process.


    Biggest?Cuban Crisis.Thought the end was nigh.

  3. I am old enough to remember the Aberfaen disaster, and was about the same age as all the children killed. I remember my mom crying, as it's where she was evacuated to in the war, so knew many of the parents of the children.

    I also remember the day Kennedy was asassinated, it was raining, we couldn't go out to play, and we were playing hide and seek. I was hiding in the waredrobe at the time it was announced on the news.

  4. 9/11

    Had..and still has huge ramifications, especially in travel, and attitudes to foreigners.

  5. Interesting news    - Man on the Moon

    Impact on world     - 9/11

    Sad news               - Death of Churchill and Kennedy

    Good News            - End of 2nd World War      


    Best news for me personally - birth of my 4 children and 5 grand children

  6. Moors murders 1960's (living in NW as a child)

    Aberfan 1966

    Perpignan air crash 1969 (personal reasons)

    Black Panther 1970's (living near Kidsgrove where Lelsey Whittle was found and my boss (at the time) amongst many others, hauled in for questioning - twice)

    Yorkshire Ripper 1970-80's

    My husband being murdered 1990

    16 Jan 1991 start of the first Gulf War (watching it start on TV, little knowing that my 2nd hubby was there, hadn't met him

    2001 9/11 knowing it meant my hubby would be going back to war!

    Apart from that......nothing too significant!

  7. A man walks on the moon.

  8. I remember watching 9/11 unfold when the CBS The Early Show was interrupted and I kept thinking that either it was a really good Hollywood effect for a new movie or that it couldn't be happening (especially when the second tower was hit).  I had just sat down to breakfast and wasn't really sure of what to make of it until I heard them talk about the tragedy.

    I also remember when the Voyager exploded upon reentering the Earth's atmosphere, claiming the life of everyone on-board and part of it exploding into a finger-like cloud that was almost surrealistic.

  9. At loss and blurr.

    Watching TV news readers reading TV news over a coffin.

    With "Over my dead body" in moving backwards in time in a different time zone.

    All for cheap-skate glory in idol worshiping the dead Mummy as success of glorious past civilization.

    In climbing up the coconut tree and still look green with lost sense of direction and purpose of life.

    Matt 22.32

    What do you think?

  10. Hillsborough.

    The female half of our family were all together to try on wedding outfits for a forthcoming wedding. The male half were at the match.

    I was 19 . The telly was on and suddenly it unfolded and panic broke out. There were no mobiles then. I can see a freeze frame of me and a cousin standing on chairs getting our dresses pinned and the scream from my auntie.

    8 went only 6 came home.

    The day after felt like it does after snowfall. Strange muffled silence.

    Edit- Thanks Aurora x

  11. The mass consumption of the internet and mobile journalism. Since 9/11 more and more news footage emerges from the everyday man on the the street. It has changed the world forever, from the videos of the London tube bombings to the videos of U.S. soldiers throwing puppies off cliffs in Iraq, all news and footage is accessible now.

  12. RFK assassination

    Manson murders

    Woodstock (the original)

    Man's first steps on the moon

  13. The London tube bombings.

  14. Before I was born, but my mother kept every cutting - the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.  A miracle.

  15. realizing the holocaust.

    even tho i wasnt  there to experience it

    it made me think a lot about how things were..

    i even had a holocaust speaker come to our school telling us the days in the consentration camps.

    he is in his late 80's i think.

  16. NEWS FLASH!!!..... .. .. .... . .. . . . .

    My wife is cheating on me.

    That one was like being kicked in the nuts by an elephant wearing steel toe-capped boots.

    One decree-absolute later... I can almost laugh about it.

    Yeah right(!)


  17. cambodia and ethiopia

  18. 9/11

  19. When Thatcher took away my free school milk.

  20. The 1984 pit strike.

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