
Biggest planet ever discovered?????

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does anyone know??

and also can i ask for peoples opinions on if they think the universe is never ending? and if you think there are any more planets like ours in other galexies with life on them like earth.




  1. More than 250 extra solar planets were discovered in the last 6 or 7 years.But these planets are far away and we know that some of them are 50 to 60 Jupiter mass. Determining accurate dimensions and even mass is beyond the present technology.

  2. I think it is never ending. Also, scientists say Earth having life was 1 in a trillion; their are trillions of other planets so i don't see why.

  3. Recently another planet 3xs Earths mass was discovered orbiting  a brown dwarf star smaller than the sun.  It is said to consist of Rock and Ice.  It was located in our galaxy about 3,000 light years from earth and gave evidence that low mass stars can host planets, and that planets are common in our galaxy.  It orbits its star approximately the distance Venus circles the sun

  4. Hmm...Wikipedia does not list the most massive.

    Whether the Universe goes on forever is irrelevant to us.  Because the speed of light is finite, we can only be affected by things happening within a certain distance of earth.  This distance is the speed  of light times the age of the Universe.  That is, things happening within 13.7 billion light years of earth.  That is in "comoving distance."  Today, this sphere has expanded to be 46 billion light years in radius.

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