
Bigot Obama playing the race card

by Guest63557  |  earlier

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Does barry want to claim affirmitive action status by saying that the convient bogey man (any white guy) might do this or might do that, yet then he goes and states that as a black man with a funny name he cant get is own way and implying its because hes black. When will America wake up to this fraudulent actor, the clintons, bush, mccain and every other politician globally gets mud slung at them all the time they accept it as part of the game they are in it goes with the territory. Where as Bigot Obama mentor jermaine wright spouts hate against whites barry claims its ok, yet at the same time he is using a mixture of Affirmitive action\political correctness\and white guilt to claim a free ride. The censorship surrounding the clown is getting to extreme levels that this question will probably be deleted, could you imagine the same thing being done with bush.




  1. for a yahoo rant...this is especially unfocused and illogical. You'd be better off writing this whole diatribe on a cardboard sign and standing in the street shouting "Batman is my first love".  

  2. I usually don't even respond to these kinds of rants, but I thought this one was particularly illustrative of a trend I have noticed in this forum.  Why is it, do you suppose, that the more patently absurd and demonstrably false someone's claims, the poorer the spelling and grammar tends to be?  Tom, tom, tom . . . sloppy spelling and grammar are not only a symptom of sloppy thinking, they are also a cause of it.

  3. When you see the race card drawn you know they're grasping for straws. It's like the bible thumping defendant carrying his bible into court before being sentenced to death. It's the last thread of hope. I said to start with McCain, even though unpopular, will win in a landslide. Obama is making that happen for him. That's why McCain has been very quite. Don't blame Obama for this. He's had this ideaology drilled in his head from birth. That is what needs to change within the Black community.

  4. Blah, Blah,Blah,Blah,blah

    Obama 08


  6. He's a piece of junk, and we all know it.

    Political Correctness is killing our Country, and he's the spokesperson for it.

    Don't worry, he will not win... A black, racist, muslim.... Not a chance.

    If America lowers it's standards that much, all of the smart people left in America should move to Canada.

    We can leave all the Liberal's to their mental illness.

  7. True. have to agree with you about Obama. For one who calls for things for sure. Nothing's changed.

    " The World is Mine!  Anybody

    disagrees? It's because they are a racist!"

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