
Bike, singing lessons or clothes?

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Okay sooo i get a choice of getting: like a baby blue, vintage-ish beach comber bicycle. or singing lessons (by the way i cant read music, i'm tone deaf, and i couldnt sing to save my life). or a small shopping spree before school starts? i'm leaning towards a bike!




  1. I would go with a bike, here is why:

    - If you aren't good at singing already and you don't enjoy singing, then there is no point in trying as you can't become "American Idol" material without years worth of training.

    - Clothing will go out of style within one season usually, or just get worn out, get stains on it, etc.

    However a good bike should last you 5 years minimum, you can get places with it faster, it's good exercise, etc. Just make sure if you are taking it to school that you LOCK IT UP! :)

  2. if you enjoyed singing or were good at it i  would recomend the voice lessons because they really help you to develope a great talent that lasts a lifetime, but if you dont enjoy them it is completely pointless cause you wouldnt practice and you would be basically wasting money. SO, i would then sugest the bike because it sounds very nice and concidering you age (what sounds like junior high ish) the bike has the most value to you. It will look nice work well and get you places faster since you probably can not drive. Hope that helped :)

  3. I would get the bike, it lasts longer than clothes and if you're tone deaf like you say, it'll take a lot of singing lessons to really hear an improvement.

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