
Bike GPS systems?

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Has anyone found if Tom Tom or another brand is better for general bike use




  1. I have a Garmin Zumo 550 and love it. The others I have used fell apart in a few years. So far the Zumo 550 is holding together. I use it a lot.

  2. I have no exp with Tom Tom on M-cycle. Had a BAD expereince with Tom Tom on my car -- So bad that I took it back and paid a HUGE re-stocking fee to get rid of it. I am "on" my Third Garmin, all worked beyond expectations - very good.

  3. BIKE GPS is first water proof.

    don't use GPS made for cars - as you will find smallest rain water will make it fail.

    Good Luck...

  4. Iway 500C rainproof, plug and play, largest display screen, touch screen operation with 10 Gig MP3 player thrown in.

  5. Can only recommend Garmin Zumo 550, great product that we have on our harley.  We paired it up to the Scala Rider Q2 system for bike to bike communication and bluetooth to GPS and phone.

    I honestly will speak against Tom Tom any chance I get; my husband bought me an upgrade GPS for my Garmin I had in my car.   The tom tom constantly gets me lost.  I am a garmin only gal.

  6. Go Garmin:  the Zumo mentioned is expensive but designed specifically for bikes: can be used in the car too. Shop around for best deals: mounting kit and maps should be included.

  7. The only bike GPS Tom Tom came out with so far is this one:

    Garmin has a lot more for motorcycles...

  8. They dont make Tom Tom for bike GPS if you would try to i suggest you wouldnt it wont fit and it will damage the internal cirutry over the vibrations from your bike and the chance tha mud or any liquds while biking would seriously damage the GPS  they didnt create bike GPS yet otherwize it would of became popular where i live
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