
Bike Tire flats?

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i bought this bike and my dad says its my wieght. I wieght 218 and 5'7 that makes the tires look flat and get flat and today i bought this no flat Bell gaurentee inner tubes there is like some sort of gell and it dose'nt need air and it looks flat and it feels flat i hate but is there any way i can make it not look flat and not fell flat at all




  1. I doubt it's your weight, you prob'ly just need more air pressure.  Check the tire for the proper pressure amounts and inflate accordingly.  Make sure too, that you have the proper size tube for the tire, that will make a big difference in how well they tubes work.

  2. 218 is nothing; i know people over 250 biking quite well.

    start with new tubes, tires advised by a bike shop, inflate appropriately.

    you will do well.
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