
Bike helmets is there any alternative to the stupid lump of polystyrene?

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I know they save lives, i just can't handle wearing them!




  1. How about a helmet like The Stig.  You wouldn't have to be embarrassed because nobody would know who you are!


  2. You are right. There used to be helmet of different material before (not so long ago). Seems foam polystyrene helmets have taken the market.  Try asking at large bike shops through the Internet, you could find something different to the common foam helmet. MAybe large bike shops still have some other kinds of helmets and materials in stock.

  3. U can borrow my Dad's old tin helmet - might look better!

  4. I agree with the others that bike helmets aren't stupid, but very useful safety tools.

    And cycling is not always cool looking - try mixing a bike helmet with a fluro yellow safety vest &  reflective ankle straps, like I usuallly wear while cycling!.

    But if you are trying to look "cool", what with beng a teenager, try these non-boring designs.

  5. Kevlar will not compress and take up the shock.  The foam will.

    I try not to look at myself.  It does look kind of dorky.  But it goes with the uniform.

  6. Look at the Tour de France. What do the pros wear? Have you seen them when they crash? Long bones are often broken, but few die of head injuries. If there were an alternative, I think they would be using it. You could try a turban or a saucepan.

  7. The alternative that springs most readily to mind is caving your skull in if you come off the bike.

    Which is more stupid? Wearing a helmet that looks a bit funny, or ending up a veggie-brain because of vanity.

  8. Spend over $80 on a helmet and you'll get a sleek, subtle helmet.

    For example I was thinking of getting one of these:

  9. My nephew wasn't wearing a helmet when he was knocked off his bike by a van.  He hit his head and as a result of the injury develped epilepsy.

    I don't think there is any alternative to the helmet.

  10. You could wear a motorcycle helmet, although that might be a little tough on your neck in cycling position.

    Skateboard helmets offer a bit different styling, but more or less the same protection.  

    Humans do a lot of stupid things in the name of style, neckties for example.   If you hung out with cyclists, your perception would likely be different.  

    Regardless, any helmet is a lot more stylish than twitching and drooling on yourself in a rehab center.

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